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Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference

February 11-14, 1999

Laramie, Wyoming



Disaster Mental Health Program Approaches And Treatment

Day 4 began with a presentation by Debbie Rathert, M.S.W. about a programmatic approach used in Missouri which is aimed at providing emergency disaster mental health services. Her presentation was followed by Claude Martel, Assistant Coordinator of Emergency Measures and Emergency Measures Advisor on psychosocial issues Measures at the Ministry of Health and Social Services, Quebec, Canada. He gave a different perspective on psychosocial intervention in emergency situations. He described the levels of intervention and coordination within the health and social services sectors in Quebec. The final presentation, by Dr. Penny Dahlen, dealt with the treatment of traumatic dreams following disasters.

Collaborating To Increase Effectiveness

PRESENTER: Debbie Rathert, M.S.W. Disaster Services Coordinator Missouri State Department of Mental

Debbie Rathert, M.S.W. (1999) presented information about a programmatic approach used in Missouri aimed at providing emergency disaster mental health services. She discussed the specific roles and responsibilities of organizations and the needs for coordination, collaboration, and planning as ways to avoid increased levels of stress during disasters and critical events. She pointed out the need for MOUs between groups and organizations responding to be worked out, signed and in place as parts of relevant disaster plans prior to any event. One example given was the challenge of collaboration between the Red Cross and state mental health authorities - two organizations which typically respond independently of each other. Rathert discussed the pitfalls, benefits and challenges of establishing a collaborative relationship. With many mental health professionals nation-wide struggling with their roles in disaster and emergency response plans in their communities, Rathert provided an interesting model which provides ideas and methods which can be adapted and certainly stimulate discussion. ****************************************************************************************************************
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Emergency Measures Psychosocial Intervention In Quebec

PRESENTER: Claude Martel Assistant Coordinator of Emergency Measures and Emergency Measures Advisor on Psychosocial Issues Measures Ministry of Health and Social Services Quebec Giving a different perspective on psychosocial intervention in emergency situations, Claude Martel (1999) provided a background of emergency events in Quebec, Canada from 1984-1992. He went on to describe the levels of intervention and coordination within the health and social services sectors in Quebec. Emergency measures psychosocial interventions in Quebec were outlined and include an integrated approach, a training program, a tool kit and a practical intervention. Two major elements were discussed involving a psychological-educative approach and an emotional reactions normalization message. Martel presented an impact model which deals with physical, psychological, living environment and general environment factors. He identified phases of psychosocial emergency intervention, different clientele groups (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) affected by the event, a psychosocial emergency services planning process, a grieving process, objectives of the intervention and activities, major characteristics by age group, outline of training program for CLSC psychosocial workers (an 8 module program), practical applications of incident debriefing sessions and examples of how these have been implemented in major events in Quebec. ****************************************************************************************************************
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Follow-up Counseling After Disaster: Working With Traumatic Dreams Toward Healing

Penny Dahlen, Ed.D., LPC, NCC Assistant Professor of Counselor Education College of Education University of Wyoming Another clinical approach to post-traumatic intervention was presented by Dr. Penny Dahlen. She provided a succinct overview of dreams and trauma as a result of disaster. She described a stimulating and interesting clinical intervention for nightmares and traumatic dreams following trauma. Her presentation provided a stimulus for research into when and how dream defusing might be useful in the treatment of post traumatic stress. Other research suggested by her presentation includes methods of slowing down recall in a manner that would enable the individual to re-experience the trauma therapeutically. ****************************************************************************************************************
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