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February 11-14, 1999 University Of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming

Towards The Next Millennium: Disaster Mental Health - Learning From The Past And Planning For The Future


The conference will provide a forum for presentation of research results in Disaster Mental Health Services (DMHS), advances in delivery of DMHS, discussion and sharing of information, ideas and plans, development of a DMHS research and service delivery network, presentation of continuing education training for DMHS volunteers, and publication of program proceedings and papers for dissemination to DMHS professionals. FORMAT: Lectures, symposiums, papers and Round Table discussions. MAJOR LECTURES: PTSD, CISD and Debriefing: "Psychological Debriefing: Current Status, Future Directions" Julian Ford, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for PTSD, White River Junction, VT, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Dartmouth Medical School. Children and Families In Disasters Annette M. LaGreca, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology & Pediatrics, University of Miami, FL; Editor, Journal of Pediatric Psychology; Chair, American Psychological Association Committee on Children, Youth, and Families; APA Public Interest Directorate; Active in promoting APA's support of children and families following disasters. Mass Casualty and Airline Disasters Gerard A. Jacobs, Ph.D., Director, Disaster Mental Health Institute, Professor, Clinical Psychology Training Program, University of South Dakota. Terrorism and Disaster Mental Health Robert DeMartino, M.D., SAMHSA/CMHS, Division of Program Development, Special Population and Projects PROPOSED AUDIENCE: Disaster Mental Health Professionals Other interested Mental Health Professionals and Researchers Trainers/Educators CONTINUING EDUCATION: Pending approval, this conference will be offered for continuing education units (CEUs). POST-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: Disaster Mental Health Services-I (DMHS-I) (additional fee, limited enrollment, approved by APA for 12 CEUs). PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: Critical Incident Stress Management - More information soon to be available. For registration information or to make sure you are on the mailing list for the brochure, please call: 1-800-448-7801, ext 2 or (307) 766-2124. CONFERENCE SPONSORED AND SUPPORTED BY: Disaster Mental Health Lead - Wyoming Red Cross; Behavioral Health Services - Ivinson Memorial Hospital, Laramie, WY; Wyoming Psychological Association; State of Wyoming Division of Behavioral Health - Department of Health; Department of Counselor Education - University of Wyoming; Wyoming Counseling Association, Wyoming Association of Social Workers; O'Dochartaigh Associates, Laramie, WY; Wyoming Field Service American Red Cross, Albany County Tourism Board (For more tourism information, contact the Albany County Tourism Board, 1-800-445-5303.); Mental Health Services Department of Human Services, State of Colorado, FEMA Region VIII; WyoHealthCARE, LAMP (Laramie Area Mental Health Providers). For information about prominent presenters and conference format, visit the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference Web Site:
For Tourism Information, contact the Albany County Tourism Board at: 1-800-445-5303
