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Dr. Renee Garfinkel has been active in disaster mental health since the Gulf War. While in the Middle East during the war, she examined the sources of psychological support for the civilian population under scud missile attack. After the war, Dr. Garfinkel served with the American Red Cross during national disasters, including major airline disasters. Dr. Garfinkel is President of the Adoption Studies Institute in Washington, DC, and editor of "Adoption Quarterly", a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, international journal. A specialist in gerontology as well, she has been appointed to the Superior Court of the District of Columbia as an expert witness on issues affecting the mental health status and treatment of dependents. Dr. Garfinkel has also served as the Director of the Women's Program Office of the American Psychological Association. She has a private clinical practice in Washington, DC. Presentations to be Made: Major Paper Symposium Return To Conference Page
