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Learning From The Past and Planning For The Future

What is the Institute?

Problems Addressed

Institute Goals

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Calendar of Trainings and Conferences

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In order to address the problems identified, the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute has the following major goals in the Rocky Mountain Region:

  • Develop, promote and present training programs and workshops in disaster mental health, disaster response, critical incident management and debriefing, traumatology, and how to cope with terrorism and terrorist activities psychologically which are recognized statewide, regionally and nationally for their quality.

  • Provide training in Disaster Mental Health, Critical Incident Stress Management, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, traumatology, and how to cope with terrorism and terrorist activities for mental health professionals, peers and other first responders and those interested in and involved in this emerging field of mental health and who respond to critical incidents and other emergencies, disasters and trauma producing events.

  • Obtain and provide Continuing Education Credits and/or graduate college credits for all professions (e.g. Wyoming Psychological Association, Wyoming Counseling Association, POST, Nursing, EMTs, etc) taking training through the Institute.
  • Provide consultation to private corporations, states, municipalities, school districts and other groups and organizations to assist them in the development of Disaster Mental Health, Critical Incident Stress Management, trauma prevention programs, intervention plans and follow-up activities.
  • Train emergency Disaster Mental Health, Critical Incident Stress Management, and Trauma Response Teams to conduct interventions for corporations, states, and municipalities in the Rocky Mountain Region.
  • Support, coordinate and disseminate research and training in disaster mental health, Critical Incident Stress Management and Debriefing, Traumatology, and how to cope with reactions to terrorist threats and acts through the acquisition of grants and contracts, and through consultation with other research teams. Provide workshops and full conferences on these and other related topics.
  • Support and coordinate the network of mental health professionals, peers and other first responders trained through the Institute who are prepared to respond to disasters, emergencies, critical incidents, terrorist acts, and other traumas in the Rocky Mountain Region.
  • Support, maintain and expand the Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Institute websites on disaster mental health, Critical Incident Stress Management and Debriefing, Traumatology, emergencies, and coping with terrorist acts.

  • Provide articles, research results, brochures, pamphlets, and other information on above areas in both printed format and online for dissemination to mental health professionals, first responder peers, businesses and industry, state and local governmental and private agencies as needed.

  • Provide online training opportunities via the internet (online workshops, courses, interactions, etc.) for Continuing Education Credits for mental health professionals, first responders, and related personnel.

  • Provide live interactive workshops, trainings and consultation via video-conferencing to mental health professionals, first responders, and related personnel in rural areas and smaller communities.