PRESENTER: Russell T. Jones, Ph.D.
Relatively little research effort has been focused on residential fires, even though the devastating consequences of fires and burns rank sixth among major causes of injury and death among persons from infancy to 19 years of age (Division of Injury Control, Center for Environmental Health and Injury Control, Centers for Disease Control, 1990). The potential negative consequences associated with fire on survivors' psychological functioning suggest the need for its systematic study (Bernstein, 1990; Jones & Haney, 1984; Jones, Ribbe, & Cunningham, 1994). Furthermore, identification of predictors of post-disaster functioning might provide important inroads into our understanding of this infrequently studied event and suggest possible treatment interventions. Although children served as the primary target population in this study, there was a need for the systematic examination of their parents' reactions t to the disaster as well. Research suggests that parents' reactions and their own psychological state are related to their children's adjustment following major disasters (Earls, Smith, Reich, & Jung, 1988; Green, Korol, Grace, Vary, Leonard, Gleser, & Smithson-Cohen, 1991). The primary purpose of the present investigation was to examine the impact of residential fire on children and their parents: 1) in the context of a controlled, cross-sectional, longitudinal study, assessment of children's levels of psychological distress at 1-, 6-, and 12-month intervals using a multi-method assessment strategy; 2) ascertain the effects of family atmosphere and parental functioning on children's level of psychological distress following a residential fire; and 3) using a stress and coping model context, identify predictors of the children's psychological distress following residential fire. Return To Conference Page