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Instructor: Kevin Grenier


Pastoral Crisis Intervention may be thought of as the combination of faith-based resources with traditional techniques of crisis intervention. Pastoral crisis intervention represents a powerful addition to traditional community and organizational psychological support resources. The purpose of this two-day workshop is to assist the participants in learning how pastoral interventions and traditional psychological crisis interventions may be effectively integrated. Chaplains, pastoral counselors, mental health professionals, ministers, and anyone interested in the use of faith-based resources in healing should find this course of interest.

14 Contact Hours

Day 1:(8:30 am - 5:00 pm)

Nature of psychological crisis
Crisis Intervention
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Overview of faith-based healing: Nature and research
Applications of pastoral crisis intervention
Pastoral crisis assessment: The "crisis of faith"
Psychological triaging
Common psychological reactions during crisis

Day 2:(8:30 am - 5:00 pm)

Mechanisms of pastoral crisis intervention
The role of religion
Mechanisms of traditional crisis intervention
Indications and contraindications
Practice in pastoral crisis intervention
Most challenging applications
Common problems encountered in pastoral crisis intervention