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Claude Martel

Assistant Coordinator of Emergency Measures at the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Quebec; Emergency Measures Advisor on psychosocial issues Measures at the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Quebec. Bachelier in sociology, Université Laval, Quebec City : Bachelier in social services, Université Laval, Quebec City. Publications: 1. Le Psyjournal, Newsletter of the psychosocial facet, of Emergency Measures in Quebec, editor; 2. Quebec’s psychosocial interventions in an emergency measures situation, Canadian Traumatic Stress Network, June 1998; 3. Psychosocial intervention – Saguenay, video, 16 min. 22, september 1998, production coordinator; 4. Initiation à la pratique de la verbalisation sur l’événement en situation de sinistre, (Initiation to the Practice of Incident Debriefing Sessions in Times of Disaster) Complementary new training document; 1998, production coordinator; 5. L’organisation des mesures d’urgences sociosanitaire au Québec (The organization of health and social services emergency measures in Quebec), Revue de la protection civile (Civil security digest) January – march 1997. Conferences: 1. Les grandes séries sur les nouvelles pratiques de gestion - Plan d’urgence et de relève; Et si par malheur une crise, une catastrophe survenait! Comment venir en aide aux sinistrés? (How to help people when a disaster arrive?), Montreal, June 1998; 2. Canadian Traumatic Stress Network (CTSN) 1998 Forum – Traumatic stress : Let’s Get Practical, Emergency measures psychosocial intervention in Quebec – L’intervention psychosociale dans le cadre des mesures d’urgence, Toronto, may 5, 1998; 3. Groupe de travail en sécurité civile de la CUQ (Civil security of the urban community of quebec city area): Le volet psychosocial des mesures d’urgence au sein du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec (The psychosocial facet, of Emergency Measures at the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Quebec), Aéroport Jean-Lesage, november 14, 1997; 4. Atelier AOÉI/AQÉI : Évolution de l’organisation du volet psychosocial des mesures d’urgence au sein du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec (Evolution of the organization of the psychosocial issues Measures at the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Quebec, Ottawa, january 24, 1997.

