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Instructor: Marguerite McCormack, MA, LPC

Level III - Short and Long Term Intervention for Supervisors

The third level is for supervisors, and describes supervision in crisis and more long term disaster intervention, ethics, risk management, community intervention, building a disaster team, rotation, vicarious trauma identification in staff, and phases of trauma and disaster, and targeted intervention for each.


Segment 1 - Ongoing Crisis Response

Following completion of this segment, the participant will be able to:

a. understand and explain Phased Community Intervention

b. understand development of ongoing effort

c. understand funding issues

d. understand and be able to explain how to set up, hire, and maintain a crisis and disaster team

e. explain how to manage and vet volunteers in crisis

Segment 2 - Trauma and Crisis Supervision

Following completion of this segment, the participant will be able to:

a. understand and explain types and timing of client populations

b. understand, explain and discuss types of treatment, information on efficacy and practicality

c. understand, explain and discuss trauma supervision, including management of high levels of outpatient suicidal ideation

d. explain and discuss ethical issues in trauma and crisis supervision

Segment 3 - Associated Issues in Trauma and Crisis Supervision

Following completion of this segment, the participant be able to:

a. explain and discuss systemic intervention, including alteration of HR, leave, reporting, and paperwork policies

b. understand, explain and discuss issues in disbanding crisis teams

c. understand and explain risk management and crisis communication/community education

d. understand and identify support systems for team leader

e. understand how to deal with other traumatized agencies