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Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
Basic Group Crisis Intervention Refresher Course

Instructor: Patricia L. Tritt


The Basic Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Refresher Course is designed for individuals who have previously completed a Basic CISM Course. The program is intended to serve as a refresher for those who have been away from the CISM field for a period of time or who have not had adequate opportunity to develop basic CISM intervention skills. The course format includes directed group learning, group discussion, and role play.

Course topics include:

  • CISM intervention review

  • Review of the seven-phase CISM model

  • Introduction exercise

  • Dissection of a debriefing

  • Worst mistakes and biggest fears

  • Teaching phase exercise

  • CISM tricks and tips

  • Debriefing scenario role play

  • Review of case presentations
  • Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the appropriate use of each type of CISM intervention.

  • Describe the seven phases of CIS interventions and detail the appropriate approach to each phase.

  • Role-play an assigned introduction phase for a CISM intervention.

  • List the factors that help or hinder the process in CISM interventions.

  • Identify common mistakes that occur in application of the CISM process.

  • Role-play an assigned teaching phase for a CISM intervention.

  • List factors that enhance the CISM process.

  • Participate in a simulation of a debriefing.
  • This program is 7.5 contact hours.