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Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM):
Basic Group Crisis Intervention

Instructor: Patricia L. Tritt, RN, MA


The Critical Incident Stress Management, (CISM): Basic Group Crisis Intervention training program is designed to present the core elements of a comprehensive, systematic, and multi-component crisis intervention curriculum. The program is open to new members of CISM teams and to individuals who are interested in learning about critical incident stress management and crisis intervention. This training session meets the require­ments of the Colorado CISM network and the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF).

Course topics include:

  • Critical incident stress overview

  • Overview of CISM interventions

  • The seven phase CIS model

  • Stress symptoms

  • The face of a CISM team

  • Defusing details

  • Defusing simulation

  • The debriefing process

  • Debriefing simulation
  • Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Identify major factors that affect the stress response and give examples of each.

  • Define a critical incident.

  • Describe the basic CISM interventions.

  • Identify the appropriate use of each of the CISM interventions.

  • Describe a CISM team structure.

  • List the seven phases used in CIS interventions.

  • Role play the introduction in a small group activity.

  • Describe the defusing process.

  • Participate in a simulation of a defusing.

  • Describe the debriefing process.

  • Participate in a simulation of a debriefing.

    This program is 15 contact hours.