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Instructor: Patricia L. Tritt, RN, MA


The effects of acute, chronic, and cumulative stress in the healthcare environment are increasingly obvious. This program will examine: types of stressors in the healthcare environment; stress and critical incident interventions in the healthcare setting; stress mitigation and CISM team development considerations; assessment and implementation of a CISM program; personality considerations; legal issues facing healthcare providers; the family perspective; and personal coping techniques. This is a two-day program for healthcare professionals who wish to explore the implementation of a critical incident stress program in their organization or a multi-hospital team. The program does not replace the basic CISM training and is appropriate for individuals who have not received basic training. Delivery format includes a combination of direct instruction, group exercises, dyads, and planning exercises.

Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • List situations that may be critical incidents in the healthcare setting.

  • Describe 3 types of stressors in the healthcare setting.

  • Describe the types of interventions that are most effective in the healthcare setting.

  • Discuss challenges in providing CISM services in the healthcare setting.

  • Describe CISM intervention and process issues in the healthcare setting.

  • Identify potential administrative and legal issues that may be encountered by the CISM team.

  • Identify considerations in CISM team development in the healthcare setting.

  • Design a CISM team for the healthcare setting.
  • This program is thirteen contact hours.