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Joseph J. Sivak, M.D.

I am a physician trained in psychiatry and chemical dependency. I have advanced degrees from Hahnemann Univ. School of Medicine in Philadelphia as well as the Univ. of Rochester. I specialize in PTSD and crisis intervention as well as long term psychological sequalae of disaster. I currently am the Director for Psychiatric Services at the Twin Ports VA Outpatient Clinic in Superior, Wisconsin. Most of my work is clinical and I currently follow approx. 320 veterans with chronic and persistent and severe PTSD. We have also developed a research tract and currently are working 2 separate investigations. I am also the Clinical Director of the Head of The Lakes CISM Program based in Duluth, Minnesota and covering all of NW Wisc. and NE Minn. I have about 6 years of experience with CISM and have worked as well with teams in Cleveland and Seattle, where I previously resided. I have 9 years of experience working with ARC and DSHR. My first disaster was Hurricane Hugo in 1989 and most recently last year at the Red River floods in ND. I am trained as a disaster mental health specialist. I also have served as a Health Services Tech, before Red Cross had formal mental health services. I have taught some courses most recently Disaster Health Services I, and am finishing up credentialing to become a National Mental Health Instructor. My day work leaves difficult time constraints work with ARC but I try to volunteer as much as possible. I cuurently serve on The ARC Northland Chapter Board of Directors in Duluth in Addition to Volunteering with DSHR. I am an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota-Duluth School of Medicine, and have taught courses on psychological trauma to medical students. I have lectured and taught in many different settings on a variety of topics, ranging from Disaster Preparedness to Psychotropic Medication Management of the Treatment Refractory patient with PTSD. I am also one of the founding Members of Michael's House, A center for greiving children, in Cleveland. I recently presented on this Topic at the Annual Association for Death Education and Counseling meeting in Chicago. I serve on the list of Mental Health Resources for the Northwest Airlines Flight Attendants Union, and collaborate with the Airport Couseling Services at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, providing training and education to airport and airline personnel.