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Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference


Below are links to questions and room for comments. The questions are requesting responses about the feasibility of having future conferences on Disaster Mental Health and related information. Please complete the survey and respond to the questions. If you have further comments and/or questions, you can email me direct at: or send a letter by snail mail to the address below: George W. Doherty Rocky Mountain Region Disaster Mental Health Conference P.O. Box 786 Laramie, WY 82073-0786 The Survey is in three parts. Please click on the link for PART 1 below to begin. After you have completed PART 1, there will be a link that will return you to this page. When you return here, click on the link for PART 2. A similar link at the end of PART 2 will again return you here. Then click on PART 3 to complete the survey. When you have completed PART 3, the last link will return you to the Conference Proceedings Home Page where you began. The amount of time needed to complete this survey will take from 5-10 minutes. At the end of each PART, you can also review the results of the survey to date. Please make sure to return here after each part to finish the complete survey. Final and ongoing results will be posted on the Conference Proceedings Web Site. Thank-you for your input and time.
Post-Conference Survey PART 1
Post-Conference Survey PART 2
Post-Conference Survey PART 3