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Living Terrors: What America Needs to Know to Survive the Coming Bioterrorist Catastrophe

by Michael T Osterholm and John Schwartz

Editorial Review

"We are ... at the brink of a new age: what some experts call catastrophic terrorism," write Michael T. Osterholm (an epidemiologist) and John Schwartz (a Washington Post science reporter) at the start of this slim volume. What's more, "the United States is not doing enough to prepare." Smallpox, anthrax, bubonic plague--a smart terrorist could use any of these deadly diseases to wreak havoc on thousands or even millions of Americans. Yet there aren't enough antibiotics and vaccines in stockpile, public-health facilities can't handle a "surge," and most law enforcement agencies have no idea how to cope with a crisis. "I do not believe it is a question of whether a lone terrorist or terrorist group will use infectious disease agents to kill unsuspecting citizens; I'm convinced it's really just a question of when and where," writes Osterholm in the introduction.

In the Wake of 9/11: The Psychology of Terror

by Thomas A. Pyszczynski, Sheldon Solomon, Jeff Greenberg, Jeff Greenburg

Book Description

This unique book explores the emotions of despair, fear, and anger that arose after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the Autumn of 2001. The authors analyze reactions to the attacks through the lens of terror management theory, a psychological model that explains why humans react the way they do to the threat of death. The theory provides ways to understand and reduce terrorism’s effect and possibly find resolutions to conflicts involving terrorism. The authors focus primarily on the reaction in the United States to the 9/11 attack, but their model is applicable to all instances of terrorism, and they expand their discussion to include the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This fascinating book has practical implications and will be an irreplaceable resource for mental health practitioners, researchers, and anyone concerned with the causes and effects of terrorism


VHS - Investigative Reports

Reviewer: A viewer from LISBON, PORTUGAL

Basically my interest is directed to know how terrorist groups operate, what are their most common targets, why, and what are their most recognisable type of signatures, such as bombings, kidnappings and so on. I am also interested in situations involving only one or more terrorist who act alone and only by special or personal motivations, for example the attempt against President Reagan.


VHS - Frontline

Editorial Review

This completely updated version of the Frontline 1999 documentary Hunting bin Laden is a reporting collaboration with The New York Times. It features a new introduction by journalist Bill Moyers, who discusses the tragic terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001.

In Search of bin Laden provides background and insight into bin Laden's life and motives, from his formative experience in the Afghan jihad against the Soviets, to the 1998 bombings of two United States embassies in Africa and his statements and fatwahs calling for the murder of Americans. This updated version features current information on bin Laden's believed role in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, an interview with Times reporter Judith Miller, and a new interview with former State Department counterterrorism official Larry Johnson.

Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism

by John K. Cooley

Book Description

To oppose the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan in 1979, the United States formed an extraordinary anti-Communist alliance with militant Islamic forces in South Asia. John Cooley describes the development of U.S. foreign policy and CIA covert activity in the 1980s, which facilitated the training and arming of almost a quarter of a million Islamic mercenaries drawn from around the world. Cooley marshals a wealth of evidence to demonstrate the devastating consequences of this alliance between the U.S. government and radical Islam--from the assassination of Sadat, the destabilization of Algeria and Checnya and the emergence of the Taliban, to the bombings of the World Trade Center and the US embassies in Africa.

Cooleye examines the crucial role of Pakistan's military intelligence organization; uncovers China's involvement and its aftermath; the extent of Saudi financial support; the role of "America's most wanted man." the guerrilla leader Osama bin Laden; the BCCI connection; and the CIA's cynical promotion of drug traffic to the Golden Crescent. UNHOLY WARS seeks out the lessons to be learned from this still unfolding drama.

This completely revised edition examines the new terrorist conspiracy network uncovered in the US and Canada, linked to Bin Laden since December 1999. It also covers the many important events in Pakistan since the military coup of October 1999 and the impact of this on Indo-Pakistani relations. Cooley also focuses on recent events in Algeria, which have been linked to the role of the "Afghanis" in the extremist GIA whose members are involved in the new US-Canada conspiracies.

Disaster Response: GIS for Public Safety

by Gary Amdahl


Book Description

Local, state, and federal government units and the private sector need to learn how to best use the GIS technology now in the hands of those on the front lines fighting fires, managing evacuations, and cleaning toxic spills. These case studies illustrate the best new strategies for mitigation, response, and recovery from both natural and human disasters. A wide variety of disasters and scenarios are represented, including a lethal mudslide and wildfires.

Individual and Community Responses to Trauma and Disaster: The Structure of Human Chaos

by Robert J. Ursano (Editor), Brian G. McCaughey (Editor), Carol S. Fullerton (Editor)

Book Description

Coping with disaster is an overwhelming and often baffling task for survivors, rescue workers, and clinicians. This volume looks in depth at how people experience trauma and suggests practical strategies for treatment, in a broad range of situations.

Emotional Recovery After Natural Disasters: How to Get Back to Normal Life (An Idyll Arbor Personal Health Book)

by Ilana Singer


Book Description

During the first two to four weeks after any disaster, workers rush to fix collapsed bridges and freeways, utility crews replace broken poles, gas lines and power lines while water crews repair water supplies and sewers. The Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Salvation Army set up shelters and food lines, all working to repair the infrastructure and establish order from chaos. But engineers can't fix people, nor can retrofitted buildings heal the trauma that survivors of natural disasters experience. Disaster survivors need more than simple advice from a grief counselor. They need a mental mechanism to cope with their emotional trauma. If you are a disaster victim, this book provides you with that mental mechanism. If you have a relative or friend who has been in a natural disaster, this book will help you understand what the person is going through and how you can help with the healing process.

Coping and moving beyond the emotional trauma works best when you use the right "tactics," tactics that are found in this book. The six tactics tell you what to do to build the mechanism you need. They offer a solution, not a diagnosis. They belong to a unified psychotherapy, not an eclectic collection of mental health exercises that merely try to make you think differently.

These tactics differ from traditional counseling in three profound ways. First, they help put you in charge of you. You become the expert on your needs and your solutions. Second, unlike traditional counseling theories, these do not rely on a "talking cure." They disprove the notion that to recover and avoid posttraumatic stress disorder, you must relive your horror by repeatedly talking about what you saw, heard and felt. (In fact, this is one of the worst things that you can do.) Third, they refute the counseling and medical notion that you will go through predictable stages of grief recovery before getting over your ordeal.

A human behavior model, not a medical disease model, underpins these six tactics. The human behavior model holds that emotional reactions result from ordinary human characteristics, not pathogens, and that our emotional reaction system is unique and differs from that of any other person. There is no formula to follow. Rather, you can learn to neutralize your emotional upset even during catastrophic circumstances, a position confirmed by three decades of field research at the Center for Counter-Conditioning Therapy®.

Terrorism, Trauma and Tragedies: A Counselor's Guide to Preparing and Responding

by Debra D. Bass (Editor), Richard Yep (Editor), Daniel J. Gelo


Book Review

Editorial Reviews From Book News, Inc. This spiral wire-bound manual offers strategies from counselors who have provided services to those directly affected by terrorist attacks and other traumatic events and includes first-hand accounts by those who have dealt with school shootings and other tragedies. It includes handouts for parents, sample crisis plans, and sample letters. Bass is a communications consultant. Yep is executive director of the American Counseling Association.Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Origins of Terrorism: Psychologies, Ideologies, Theologies, States of Mind

by Walter Reich (Editor), Walter Laqueur


Book Review

An important work for those familiar with the broad topic of political terrorism. The introductory essays by Crenshaw and Post delineate two different approaches to the study and comprehension of terrorism, with an eye toward its psychological aspects. Crenshaw summarizes the political and sociological approaches to complement the psychological dimension. The essays that apply these approaches unintentionally fall into the category of social psychological analyses of terrorist movements. Thus they reinforce the complexity of explanatory analyses and the interdependence of the social forces at work. Kellen's German study, Ferracuti's Italian essay, Sprinzak's Weatherman, Gurr's US contributions, and Rapoport and Kramer's Islam foci, all confirm the social psychological perspectives of political terrorism, despite their intended efforts to focus on the psychological dimension. In the next four essays by Bandura, Merari, the Herrmanns, and Sick the book approaches its original intent. In the concluding section Crenshaw and Post both acknowledge the inherent difficulties and questions of the psychological approach. The contributors represent many of the findings they already developed in earlier research and writings.

Terror and Apocalypse Psychological Undercurrents of History

by Jerry S. Piven


Book Description

Psychological Undercurrents of History, Volume II: Terror and Apocalypse explores the psychology of terrorism, apocalyptic violence, and trauma. What impels people to murder civilians with righteous impunity? How can people murder without remorse? What comprise the apocalyptic imagination and fantasies of cataclysmic destruction? The authors of this volume examine these questions in light of recent events, both to understand the phenomenon called terrorism, and the violence and madness pervading the nightmare of history.

About the Author

Jerry S. Piven, Ph.D. teaches in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, New School University. Paul Ziolo, Ph.D. is professor of Psychology at the University of Liverpool, England. Henry W. Lawton is a social worker and is President of the International Psycho-Historical Association.

America's Space Shuttle: Range Safety and PDRS (RMS Arm) NASA Astronaut Training Manual

by World Spaceflight News


Book Description

EXCLUSIVE from World Spaceflight News - LEARN ABOUT the SPACE SHUTTLE FROM THE TEXTBOOKS USED BY THE ASTRONAUTS! The official NASA astronaut training manuals comprise a major part of the formal flight crew training process, and are used by flight controllers as well. These internal NASA manuals are produced by the Mission Operations Directorate (Space Flight Training Division branch) at NASA's Johnson Space Center. The manuals and workbooks are extremely detailed and comprehensive, and are designed for self-study. Each is heavily illustrated with vivid line drawings, engineering schematics, and other charts and figures. A full listing of all acronyms and abbreviations used in the text is included. They provide a superb way to learn about Shuttle systems, hardware, and operational procedures. Special emphasis on crew interaction with the displays, controls, and hardware is included.

This report contains two manuals. The first deals with the Range Safety system, including basic concepts, techniques, procedures, and flight rules of range safety, as well as Orbiter and ground hardware and communications between the MCC and the Range Safety Officer. The second manual covers the Payload Deployment and Retrieval System (PDRS), which includes the Remote Manipulator System (RMS). It contains complete technical information on all aspects of the Canadian-built robot arm, including astronaut controls and procedures.

From the Publisher

World Spaceflight News has covered spaceflight and the Space Shuttle program since 1983. In addition to our flagship publication, we produce printed and electronic Special Reports and NASA videos, and the American Space Encyclopedia series of CD-ROMs. At WSN, our mission is simple: provide space enthusiasts and professionals around the globe with unique technical information and historical material about spaceflight. We hope that a better appreciation of the complexities and challenges posed by space exploration will foster increased support for man's continued voyage into space. Our love of spaceflight drives our publishing efforts, and we've been gratified over the years that readers from Austria to Australia have found great value in our work. We try to satisfy a wide range of interests by producing a broad selection of high-quality products with exclusive material not found elsewhere.

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