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O'DOCHARTAIGH ASSOCIATES TRAUMATOLOGY BOOKSTORE is pleased to have O'Dochartaigh Associates in the family of associates. We've agreed to ship books and provide customer service for orders we receive through special links on the O'Dochartaigh Associates Web site. associates list selected books in an editorial context that helps you choose the right books. We encourage you to visit O'Dochartaigh Associates Bookstore often to see what new books they've selected for you. Thank-you for shopping with an associate. Sincerely, Jeff Bezos President P.S. We guarantee you the same level of customer service you would receive at If you have a question about an order you've placed, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Trauma in the Lives of Children: Crisis and Stress Management Techniques for Teachers, Counselors, and Student Service Professionals by Kendall Johnson Death and Trauma: The Traumatology of Grieving (Series in Trauma and Loss) by Charles R. Figler (Editor), Brian E. Bride (Editor), Nicholas Mazza (Editor) From Survival to Fulfillment: A Framework for the Life-Trauma Dialectic (Series in Trauma and Loss) by Paul Valent Individual and Community Responses to Trauma and Disaster: The Structure of Human Chaos by Robert J. Ursano (Editor), Carol S. Fullerton/Paperback A New Species of Trouble: Explorations in Disaster, Trauma and Community by Kai T. Erikson Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Acute and Long-Term Responses to Trauma and Disaster (Progress in Psychiatry, No 51) by Carol S. Fullerton (Editor), Robert J. Ursano (Editor) Critical Incident Stress Management: A New Era & Standard of Care in Crisis Intervention (Innovations in Disaster & Trauma Psychology Series No 2) Vol 2 by George S. Everly, Jr./Paperback Emergency Procedures for Schools: A Guide and Disaster Plan by Ralph W. Ritchie First Aid For Disaster Stress Trauma Victims, A Guide And Self-Help by Ralph W. Ritchie/Paperback Innovations in Disasater and Trauma Psychology: Applications in Emergency Services and Disaster Response Vol 1 by George S. Everly, Jr (Editor)/Paperback Trauma by Ian greaves (Editor), James M. Ryan (Editor), Keith M. Porter (Editor)/Paperback The Trauma Novel: Contemporary Symbolic Depictions of Collective Disaster (American University Studies Series Iii, Comparative Literature, Vol 55) by Ronald Granofsky Disaster and Mass Trauma: global perspectives on post-disaster mental health management by Anie Sanentz Kalayjian
Use the following Descriptors to assist in your search for related titles and topics using the Search Engines below: Bereavement Psychological aspects Post-traumatic stress disorder Sudden death Grief therapy Stress in children Psychic trauma Treatment Health/Fitness Medical / Nursing Psychology & Psychiatry Surgery - General Human Services Environmental Studies Political Science Law Enforcement Environmental Science Natural Disasters Crisis intervention (Mental he Prevention Emergency management Planning Handbooks, manuals, etc First aid in illness and injur Psychic trauma Safety education School Health And Safety Disaster Relief Reference Decision-Making, Problem Solving Traumatology Disaster medicine Hospitals Emergency service Trauma centers Treatment Of Wounds And Injuries

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