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Personal Information


Name: Last First MI

Date of Birth


Address Sex

Living Situation

___Single ___Couple ___Family ___Other ___Dependent Children

___Other Dependents



How long did the evacuation last?



Relocation? ___Yes ___No

If yes, where?




Did you lose persons or things which were important to you? ___Yes ___No

If yes, who or what were they?













Natural Support Network

Yes No

Have you received support from your family, friends, people in your group?


Was this support sufficient?


Was this support helpful?


Are you still receiving support?


If so, is this support sufficient?


If so, is this support helpful?


Did this incident create difficulties?


In your daily life?

If so, what are they?


In your relationships (couple, family…)?

If so, what are they?


In regard to your children's behavior?

If so, what are they?


In regard to your work?

If so, what are they?


In regard to financial matters?

If so, what are they?


On the social level?

If so, what are they?



Reactions Caused By The Incident

Do you have reactions that you did not have before the incident and which are persisting? If so, has there been an increase or a decrease in these symptoms during the last two weeks?

Yes No Increase Decrease

More nervous


More worried


More irritable


More impatient


More withdrawn


Difficulty sleeping




Loss or increase in appetite




Difficulty concentrating


Increased alcohol consumption


Other reactions


If so, what are they?



Do you have someone with whom it is easy for you to talk with? ___Yes ___No

State of Health

How has your health been since the incident?

___Good ___Average ___Has deteriorated

Were you obliged to go to see a doctor? ___Yes ___No

How is the health of your spouse and children?

___Good ___Average ___Has deteriorated

Did they have to visit a doctor? ___Yes ___No

Degree of Intensity of the Effect on the Person

If we were to describe the moment you were emotionally affected by the incident as the number 10 on a scale of 0 to 10, what number would you apply to your state today? _______

Activities Offered By The Red Cross And Others

Yes No

Have you participated in the activities offered by the Red Cross or by the community following the incident?


Have these activities helped you?

How? ___To experience the incident better ___To understand

___To manage the stress better

___Other (Please specify) _______________________________________________



If you are still having difficulties, would you be interested in receiving assistance?

If so, what type of assistance?

___Private interview ___Small group with professionals

___Other (Please specify) _______________________________________________



What type of activities would you like us to organize?

___Incident Debriefing Session ___Conference on the cause of the disaster

___Relaxation Session ___Community Activity ___Other Suggestions:


