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Critical Elements of Trauma Intervention

John G. Jones, Ph.D. APBB ATR-BC

The purpose of this presentation will be to discuss some of the critical considerations necessary for appropriate, effective intervention in treating a wide range of trauma patients. These reflections are based on years of work with multiple types of trauma victims and survivors in multiple settings. Areas to be considered are: debriefing, assessment and treatment. Also to be addressed are the use of expressive therapies as intervention methodologies, taking care of the caretakers, adherence to the difference of responses to trauma across genders and understanding the trauma of working with trauma. At least one experiential utilizing an expressive therapy technique will be presented for the participants to experience some hands-on-training/learning.

These topics will be approached from a clinician’s perspective, and the information will be of such a nature that it can be readily utilized by the trained practitioner. The presentation is designed to elicit participant interaction, sharing of information and experiences and educational discussing that will be of benefit to all. One of the primary purposes of this presentation is to provide some stimulation and ideas that will hopefully result in some re-thinking and, perhaps some new direction with regards to our treatment of trauma victims and survivors. This is certainly an evolving field and one can always profit from a lively exchange of ideas. We all have a lot to learn and often do not have the opportunities to exchange our ideas and experiences with one another, especially if we are in a rural environment.