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Crisis Interventions And Critical Incident Stress Management:
Current Status and Future Directions


Following the conference, certificates of completion will be mailed from Casper College to each attendee indicating the number of Contact Hours they attended. There will be forms in your packets upon arrival which must be filled out and returned at the end of the conference in order to receive credit.

The total number of Contact Hours possible will be 24.5


POST Credit - This Conference has been approved for POST Credit. The forms and information for this will be available at the Conference. Please be sure to sign the roster forms needed in order to gain the credit. If you have any questions upon arrival at the Conference, please be sure to ask when signing in.

Wyoming Psychological Association CEUs - Approved. Please be sure to check on this again upon arrival and sign-in at the conference. You will have to fill out and sign the WPA forms on site.

Contact Hours and your certificate should be used when sending information to the Mental Health Professions Licensing Board.

• If your licensure and/or profession requires other types of documentation for continuing education hours, CEUs, etc, please contact Carolyn Buff at 1-800-442-2963 Ext 2212 and let her know. We will do what we can to gain approvals.

If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Buff at 1-800-442-2963 Ext 2212 or George Doherty by email at: