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George W. Doherty, M.S., LPC

Check your activities using the following symptom lists. They are broken down into a number of areas dealing with various pathways in which Stress can develop. While they are all inter-related, breaking them down and listing them can provide you with methods for: 1. Identifying the stressors in your environment, 2. Developing goals for stress reduction, 3. Developing an approach to reduce, adapt or eliminate the significant stressors in your life, and 4. Prioritizing which stressors to work on first. Using a multi-modal approach to stress reduction improves your chances of being successful in your endeavor to reduce your stress levels. The acronym BASIC-ID can help you look at and evaluate your environment and lifestyle on a regular basis. B - What BEHAVIORS are you involved in that contribute to your stress? - Physical Symptoms. ___Appetite change ___Headaches ___Tension ___Fatigue ___Insomnia ___Weight change ___Colds ___Muscle aches ___Digestive upsets ___Pounding heart ___Accident prone ___Teeth grinding ___Rash ___Restlessness ___Foot-tapping ___Finger-drumming _________________________________________________________________ A - AFFECT - What are the emotional components and feelings surrounding your stress? ___Anxiety ___Frustration ___The "blues" ___Mood swings ___Bad temper ___Nightmares ___Crying spells ___Irritability ___"no one cares" ___Depression ___Nervous laugh ___Worrying ___Easily discouraged ___Little joy _________________________________________________________________ S - SENSATIONS - What are the philosophical, existential, or spiritual components contributing to your stress? ___Emptiness ___Loss of meaning ___Doubt ___Unforgiving ___Martyrdom ___Looking for magic ___Loss of direction ___Needing to "prove" self ___Cynicism ___Apathy _________________________________________________________________ I - IMAGERY - What are the "pictures" or images you think of that contribute to your stress? ___Unpleasant scenes ___Negative self image ___Bad dreams ___Intrusive thoughts or scenes ___Nightmares ___Recurring disturbing dreams _________________________________________________________________ C - COGNITIONS - What mental activities or thoughts contribute to your stress? ___Forgetfulness ___Dull senses ___Poor concentration ___Low productivity ___Negative attitude ___Confusion ___Lethargy ___Whirling mind ___No new ideas ___Boredom ___Spacing out ___Negative self-talk _________________________________________________________________ I - INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS - How do your relations with others contribute to your stress? ___Isolation ___Intolerance ___Resentment ___Loneliness ___Lashing out ___Hiding ___Clamming up ___Lowered sex drive ___Nagging ___Distrust ___Fewer contacts with friends ___Lack of intimacy ___Using people _________________________________________________________________ D - DRUGS and/or ALCOHOL - Do use, abuse, or misuse of these contribute to your stress? ___Increased alcohol use ___Increased drug or medication use ___Increased tobacco use _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 1997 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: O'DOCHARTAIGH ASSOCIATES Phone: 307-745-1372 P.O. BOX 786 LARAMIE, WY 82073-0786