Variable County A County B Reservation Total _________________________________________________________________
I. Age:21-30 2 5 0 7 31-40 4 2 3 9 41-50 4 1 3 8 51-60 1 0 0 1 61-75 0 3 0 3
Mean 39.09 41.18 40.50 40.21
II. Sex:
Male: 3 3 2 8 Female: 8 8 4 20
III. Marital Status:
Single 0 3 0 3 Married 10 7 3 20 Divorced 1 1 3 5 Separated 0 0 0 0 Widowed 0 0 0 0
________________________________________________________________________________ IV. Employment Status:
Full-time 6 6 5 17 Part-time 5 2 0 7 Unemployed 0 0 0 0 Homemaker 0 1 0 1 Student 0 0 0 0 Retired 0 2 0 0 Other 0 0 1 1
________________________________________________________________________________ V. Education: High School 6 6 1 13 College Grad 5 4 0 9 _______________________________________________________________________________ N=11 N=11 N=6 N=28
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