20 December 1996


Dear Michael


Thank you for the document outlining your recent communication with Dr Shisana of 18 December 1996.

Whilst I do appreciate your considerable efforts to seek solutions to the current crisis, I am compelled to attempt to impress upon you with the utmost urgency, that in my considered opinion, you have in this latest 'leap of faith' compromise, committed a grave error, which if not immediately rectified, is likely to leave you with the unenviable and infamous legacy of having sold-out and committed the natural health products industry and consumers to another indefinite-term cycle of increased MCC suppression of health freedom.

This is not to say that you and our comrades Drs. Makhambene, Moloi and Mateme are not acting in good faith with this recent development, but rather that you are all being incredibly naive in and underestimating the extent of the involvement of key MCC personnel in the global pharmaceutical conspiracy to expropriate and control the means to natural health.

The MCC have taken it upon themselves "to decide in the general interests (of the pharmaceutical companies) what 'medicines' should and should not be available for use" (ref.1, page 644) and are on record as having opinioned that "traditional 'drugs' and indigenised pharmaceuticals 'may' be justified for the purpose of symptomatic and palliative treatment", which illustrates their biased and belittling attitude towards natural non-allopathics (ref.2, page 501).

Most critically, however, is that you appear not to have taken into account the fact that "by statute, the MCC functions independently of the government with respect to decision making" and that "the Dept. of Health only provides a secretariat charged with ensuring that the Council's decisions are carried out" (refs. 3 & 4, section 34A) and further, that is a "statutory privilege" of the Council, its committees and their members that "no legal proceedings shall lie against them iro any act done in the exercise of its powers or the performances of its functions under this Act" (ref.4, section 25).

The bottom line here is that the MCC and its secretariat are consequently accountable only to the Supreme Court in the short term and possibly but less likely, to the Constitutional Court and Parliament in the long term. Whilst you may have made significant progress up to this point by way of negotiations with our liberal comrades so long victim to the other struggle for freedom, their hands, no matter how willing their minds might be are tied by the deeply entrenched and profound legalities afforded to our enemies by Parliament under the previous regime and it is for these reasons that your 180 degree turnaround to support the "keeping of the whole process within the MCC rather than outside of it", and this on the strength of an "act of faith" has to be strongly condemned and opposed with every means at our disposal if not immediately rectified.

To talk of "the process of democratisation and transformation of the MCC as being under way" is all very well for someone not under constant fear of ruin for being in the health products business and under threat of a R40,000.00 fine and/or ten years imprisonment or subject to the confiscation of one's entire life investment at customs, simply due to a commitment to serving the natural health products market and being subject to the whim of one of these evil strategists or their puppets or stooges.

To commit to a 180 degree change of course without a representative mandate and to inform your erstwhile allies and seek their opinion after the event is indicative of an arrogance which often accompanies the pursuit and grasp of power. No mere mention of the word democracy, never mind how many times, can detract from the illegitimacy of a structure created without true representativeness and to talk of acceptance and ratification by the HPA, the executive of which was ousted at that meeting by a Pharmapact initiated revolt by the grassroots membership following our exposure of their executive's pharmaceutical plot and are now vulnerable and anxious for a solution, is to stretch claim for their support beyond credibility, particularly since we have engendered much of their trust in you to negotiate on our behalf.

I urge you to reflect deeply on your present course of action and the long term ramifications of weakening the alliance we have forged to extricate natural health products from MCC suppression and which is now gaining encouraging momentum and capable of augmenting the pending Constitutional Court challenges. Much daring work lies ahead and your services would be appreciated in spearheading the Parliamentary aspects of the struggle.

I trust that you will agree that you are giving away too much ground in this current compromise and are able to recommit to the original vision of "secured" freedom of health choice for all South Africans which I truly believe is neither appropriate nor possible under the control of the MCC, the sercretariat (especially Schlebusch, Bruchner and Gouws) and the Act in its present form, and which should be concerning themselves with the 1500 iatrogenic deaths and several hundred thousand iatrogenic maimings that occur in South Africa every year from MCC registered "medicines", rather than persecuting those nobly attempting to build a naturally healthy nation.

I look forward to receiving a written reply at your earliest convenience.

Love and Blessings


National co-ordinator, PHARMAPACT


1)* P. Folb & J. Schlebusch. South African Medical Journal, vol.76. 16 December 1989.

2)* P. Folb. South African Journal of Science, vol.85. August 1989.

3)* P. Folb, M. Hous & J. Schlebusch. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol.28, No.9. September 1988.

4)Medicines & Related Substances Control Act. No.101 of 1965. Government Printer.

*NOTE: References 1-3 are still officially circulated by the MCC as accurately portraying their mission and functions.

cc Dr. Shisana, Director General, Dept. of Health.

cc Interested Parties. Please circulate as widely as possible so as to elicit a wide range of debate and feedback on this issue.

Your comments are at this time particularly requested.