Medicines Contnrol Council / Liason Group puppet-show had its 2nd expanded showing on 1 March in Pretoria. At the hands of puppet masters O'Brien, Stoffberg and Makhambene, this event, billed as the most important of the year, drew a grand total of 25 participants from among thousands of natural health products roleplayers, evidencing just how totally unrepresentative and utterly rejected, these allegedly democratic proceedings really are.
Virtually every pseudo-democratic advisory sub-committee of the MCC's Complementary Medicines Committee is dominated by the big five monopolisers in the conservative Health Products Association, who along with Michael O'Brien and a handfull of stooges have been sucking-up to the MCC in hatching a "listings" scheme which will serve to entrench the big five and a few other affluents, whilst eliminating most of their competition and tragically severely eroding consumers freedom of choice of health care products.
PHARMAPACT's official constitutional protests to the authorities have been ominously ignored, but have been joined with protests from the Cape Lobby for Health Freedom and the Save Our Supplements Campaign. Revelations made at said meeting which further confirm PHARMAPACT's predictions are that the listings proposal was in fact initiated by MCC Chairman Folb in collaboration with the HPA Executive and that O'Brien intends using the MCC's gestapo secretariate and inspectorate to enforce the above scenario.
In June, opposition submissions will be made to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and documentation will again be filed with the Public Protector. Meanwhile thousands of consumers are being poisoned to death by approved drugs on the market, which situation is expected to worsen as the MCC's limited resources are furhter diverted to the abovementioned "listings system" for all natural health products, most of which have an impecable safety record, which cannot be said of the allopathic medicines which prompted the enactment of Act 101/65 to protect the public from drugs, but instead serves increasingly to protect the pharmaceutical industry from the public's right to access the natural means to health.
Please help us to fight these evil forces who would secure and perpetuate your suffering for their own financial prosperity. Join PHARMAPACT today.
National Co-ordinator