For Urgent Personal Attention

Advocate Selby Baqwa

Public Protector

9 th Floor

Sinodale Centre

288 Visagie Street


4 March 1998


Dear Sir


Your Ref.7/2-0593/95

I refer you to recent conversation with my colleague Anthony Rees and your request that our most recent report be brought to your urgent personal attention, herewith as promised.

It is with great disappointment that I draw to your attention that this matter was filed with your Office nearly three years ago in my capacity as Director of the Gaia Research Institute, but to no practical avail. In November 96, I founded PHARMAPACT (originally as a Gaia Research Institute project) and have since been researching and campaigning as a peoples alliance on behalf of all our citizens rather than for my own circumstances, which with the passage of time seems to have paled into insignificance in comparison to the shocking big picture revealed by our ongoing investigations.

I refer you to the main report dated 3 March, your recent conversation with Anthony, and to the accompanying full documentation covering the period of PHARMAPACT's existence. Whilst we bear no major grudge for your Office's tardy handling of this matter up to now, we are resting major hopes on your prioritising it now since the time is right for action before the culprits jump ship and more preventable suffering and loss of life occurs. We would do the job ourselves if we could but afford the legal fees, so the matter is now your responsibility, as enacted by Parliament.

We look forward to urgent positive progress.

Yours faitfully

Stuart Thomson

National Co-ordinator, PHARMAPACT