6 March, 1998

Via the Management, Vineyard Hotel

For Urgent Attention, on arrival,

Saturday evening 7 March, 1998:

Prof. Graham Dukes & Dr Susan Hill

Dear Sir / Madam


I refer you to discussions and correspondence between myself and Mr.O.Pharasi and also Dr.W. Bannenberg re Pharmapact's apparently convenient exclusion from not only equal participation in these vital deliberations on the issue of freedom of health choice of natural health substances, but even from knowledge of such opportunity, whilst those sympathetic to said health-freedom restrictive proposals for market monopolisation and idealogical reasons, are as usual, at the forefront of deliberations, which is typical of the manner in which the whole debacle around the listings proposals has been handled to date by the Department of Health.

The purpose of the foregoing is to briefly outline the circumstances under which we pen this letter of confirmation of an appointment to meet with yourselves at 4.30, Monday 9 March, 1998 at the Vineyard Hotel, Newlands.

I will be providing detailed documentation regarding the illegality, unconstitutionality and immorality of the current and proposed regulatory systems in our country, against the prevailing gross double-standards which cannot be justly rectified without radical reform of the Medicines Control Council, and in our informed opinion, the application of the Truth Commission or Criminal and Civil Justice Systems to the officials who have abused their authority and the trust of the people by progressively representing the very threat to public safety from which they were enacted to protect all our citizens. We trust that we will add a unique and pertinent perspective unable to be provided by any of the other submissions, nor by the Department itself.

As reciprocation for our input, we would appreciate your making available to myself at the meeting, copies of your CV's for our information and evaluation of your assumed suitability to advise our Ministry regarding the regulation of natural health substances, which according to correspondence from Mr Pharasi, you are mandated to do, but with all due respect, we do not at first glance believe possible in the requisite unbiased manner, given your allopathic biomedical training and indoctrination into but one side of a still heavily dichotomised dual reality.

I trust however that our honest and open exchange of views will go some considerable distance towards our mutually closing the gap that we expect will exist and our inherent distrust of authoritarianism and the allopathic world view, and little doubt likewise, you of our perspective.

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Thomson

Anthony Rees

National Co-ordinators