Bernard Brom (MCC : Complimentary Medicines Committee Member)

8 April, 1998

Dear Bernard,

I trust that this finds you well. Sincere thanks for your recent undated personal letter.

I feel obliged to respond briefly as follows and hope that you will accept my comments in the constructive spirit with which they are intended.

I am still amazed at the naivete of your interpretation of developments some 15 months after I first discussed with you your participation on the Complementary Medicines Committee, at which time I characterised yourself and others as "stooges". The mere fact that you still serve on the CMC in spite of all that has transpired, I believe confirms my opinion, since you have merely provided pseudo-credibility to that non-democratic, non-representative, unconstitutional and illegal Medicines Control Council structure.

To now lament the lack of "power", the lack of the chairman's "expertise", and the "non-democratic appointment" of same is gross hypocrisy, in fact the very principles officially protested by myself about the entire CMC some 18 months ago, but illegally ignored by the MCC hierarchy which significantly was recently sacked for mal-administration and hence further supporting our charges of illegality. At the time, you undertook to resign should matters not be rectified. Not only have you not resigned, you have now even over-served the originally agreed term of one year and are apparently prepared to perpetuate said hypocrisy for yet another term.

Even more seriously, this extended term is now in direct contravention of section 6, subsection (4) of the amended Act 101, in terms of which you are all now breaking the law by having not declared your interests and recused yourselves from discussions relating (even vaguely) to said interests, which defeats any object of serving on the Committee. You furthermore now resignedly acknowledge that the CMC are a "lame-horse" and ironically espouse the need "to move the process in accord with the will of the majority", but you apparently fail to see that you and the rest of Committee have fallen far short of observing these same basic criteria, which situation is what we have legitimately protested so long.

Regarding your clear comment to the effect that the listing process seems to be the "least contentious issue", I am compelled to protest. Once again your attitude is selfish and your interpretation grossly misleading and seen only from an extremely naïve, ignorant (or fraudulent perspective), which I trust will be appropriately adjusted in the light of our accompanying analysis of the true agenda for the listings system (PHARMAPACT Update, 29 March, 1998) and iro which I invite your comment, in the hope that I can encourage you to think clearly, unselfishly and ethically, as befits the high esteem in which you are held generally in our sector.

Finally, your comments on the GMP / food paradox. Our argument in favour of food standards and a toxics, rather than a permissible list, satisfies the relevant safety concerns, whilst significantly reducing the potential for the petty suppression of natural health and therapeutic substances which underlies the hidden agenda behind the listing system. The third complementary medicines category option however is a trap, well known to those of us watching the international pharmaceutical conspiracy unfold, and you are cautioned to avoid flirting with the concept, which strategically bridges the terrain in preparation for the so-called green pharmaceuticals and eventually full drug interest expropriation of this (to them) increasingly lucrative sector.

If you are truly interested in freedom of health choice, feel free to visit the PHARMAPACT website via any major search engine. Our full documentational record is archived there, plus breaking news and Health Freedom Radio, with free audio software download to keep you in touch with anti-CMC / listings developments. We also have a direct link to our allied website, International Advocates for Health Freedom, for a true perspective on the international scene.

I look forward to future constructive dialogue on these and related issues.

Yours sincerely

Stuart Thomson

National co-ordinator


cc The Honourable Minister of Health, Dr. N. C. Zuma

  The Public Protector, Adv. S. A. Baqwa