WE SUPPORT FREE SPEECH AS SET OUT IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONSTITUTION : - " Everyone has the right of access to : (a) any information held by the state and, (b) any information that is held by another person and that is required for the exercise or protection of any rights." Chapter 2 : Bill of Rights Section 32.

" Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes - (a) freedom of the press and other media, (b) freedom to receive or impart information or ideas, (c) freedom of artistic creativity; and (d) academic freedom and freedom of scientific research" Chapter 2 : Bill of Rights Section 16.


Stars preceding documents relate to key files. The more stars a file has, the more important it is for you to read it ! Documents with blinking arrows denote new documents to read ! ()

  1. ** STORM IN A HERBAL TEA CUP (4-August-1996) A Scientific account proving that the MCC's argument that herbs are not safe is unfounded and is a blatant lie. This report proves that the argument that herbs should be regulated as drugs or anything besides foods is a 'red herring' to protect pharmaceutical interests and the global harmonization conspiracy.
  2. *** HEALTH PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION INVITATION TO VIEW ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS MEETING BETWEEN THE MCC AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY (Pre-November 1996) Evidence that the MCC and Pharma Natura's Director, Rene Doms and Brian Turner (Health Products Association Vice-Chairman) had been working on the "Listings Software" long before the Director General called a meeting to get all role players in the natural health care industry together to form the CMC and the illegal listing system.
  3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING CALLED BY THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TO REGULATE PRODUCTS TERMED AS NATURAL HEALTH SUBSTANCES (1-November-1996) These minutes reflect the game plan initiated by the "big five" Natural Health Substance manufacturers and their puppets in colusion with the Department of Health and the MCC. This is where the shit began and the conspiracy theory became a reality to us. PHARMAPACT NOW BECAME A REALITY !!
  4. LETTER TO THE PUBLIC PROTECTOR TO EXPLAIN THE PHARMAPACT POSITION (15-November-1996) This letter was sent to the Public Protector in an attempt to expose the sinister plot to List herbs and other natural health substances. We believe that this is not in the public's interest and the public's freedom to choose will be undermined with the further development of the Listing System.
  5. *** LETTER FROM RENE DOMS (PHARMA NATURA & EX-MCC INSPECTOR) TO PHARMAPACT (9-December-1996) This letter proves that Pharma Natura have been working for a long time in collaboration with the MCC to bring a monopolistic take-over in the Natural Health Industry. It is evident that Doms is gearing up for international sales of his 'Shuttle Command Software'. To see this threat, go the Shuttle Main Page at :
  6. LETTER TO THE MAIL AND GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER (10-December-1996) This editorial written to the Mail and Guardian serves to highlight the Listings plot to the press. This letter also requests the reason why African Traditional Medicines are not targeted and discriminated against by Act 101 of 1965.
  7. ** LETTER TO MICHAEL O' BRIEN (CHAIRMAN : CHIROPRACTIC, HOMEOPATHIC ,AND ALLIED HEALTH SERVICE PROFESSIONS INTERIM COUNCIL) CALLING FOR A RETURN TO MORAL GROUND (20-December-1996) This letter was written to Michael O' Brien to bring him back into the original "freedom of choice' directive, which he once proclaimed to be promoting.
  8. *** THE MURRAY REPORT (16-January-1997) A further validation of the PHARMAPACT view that commercial natural health substances are not drugs and are the safest substances on earth for optimum health promotion.
  9. LETTER TO DR P. MAKHAMBENE :CHAIRMAN OF THE COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINES COMMITTEE: MEDICINES CONTROL COUNCIL (16-January-1997) An important protest to the chairman of the CMC, explaining in detail the reason why PHARMAPACT are protesting against the CMC, its constitution and motive.
  10. LETTER TO DR. ZUMA (MINISTER OF HEALTH) LODGING OFFICIAL PROTEST (20-January-1997) This document explains to the Minister how the MCC and the Pharmaceutical Industry are conspiring to take over the Listing Process and marginalize the true "grass roots" people who really care about health.
  11. REPLY FROM THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF HEALTH PROMISING THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WILL INVESTIGATE PHARMAPACT'S PROTEST (29-January-1997) This letter from the DG. assured PHARMAPACT that the Department of Health will investigate the problems that PHARMAPACT have highlighted.
  12. LETTER FROM DR. OLIVE SHISANA (DIRECTOR GENERAL : DOH) STATING THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, NOR THE MINISTER OF HEALTH MAY INTERVENE IN THE MATTERS OF THE MCC (18-February-1997) This letter from the Department of Health clearly shows that the MCC have had total autonomy in the past and have been totally non-transparent and non equitable. The THRUST of PHARMAPACT now was to call for the MCC to become a juristic person.
  13. LETTER TO PROF. SCHLEBUSH (MCC : REGISTRAR OF MEDICINES) REQUESTING OFFICIAL PROOF THAT THE CMC WAS RATIFIED BY THE MINISTER OF HEALTH (25-March-1997) This letter demands that the MCC supply evidence that the Complimentary Medicines Committee (CMC) was officially ratified by the Minister of Health. Until now, no evidence of the CMC ratification has been received, therefore the CMC is an illegal structure in our expert legal opinion.
  14. MCC's REPLY TO OUR LETTER DATED 16TH JAN 1997 THREATENING LEGAL ACTION AGAINST PHARMAPACT (6-May-1997) This letter from the Registrar of Medicines states that PHARMAPACT are making libelous statements and warns that legal action will be taken against us. To date, no action has taken place. We also wonder if this matter was brought up at a full council meeting.
  15. **** PHARMAPACT UPDATE (MAY 1997) This PHARMAPACT Update begins to show the various alliances which are supporting the Listing System and helps to expose the snakes in the grass. This update highlights that only 25 people attended the CMC meeting in March out of the thousands of role-players in the natural health care industry. We seriously question the representation of this minority with vested interests.
  16. ***** ORAL PARLIAMENTARY SUBMISSION TO THE PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HEALTH BY STUART THOMPSON : PHARMAPACT (13-September-1997) This transcription of Stuart Thompson (PHARMAPACT) clearly encapsulates the sections of the South African Constitution that the MCC have violated. PHARMAPACT invoked these rights once again before parliament and warned the members present to be suspicious of others who were claiming that the CMC was democratic and representative.
  17. INVITATION TO PHARMAPACT FROM THE MEDICINES CONTROL COUNCIL / AN ATTEMPT TO SMOOTH-TALK PHARMAPACT INTO SUBMISSION (3-November-1997) An invitation to PHARMAPACT for a meeting to patch up differences and to shepherd us into the listing system over a cup of tea and a few false smiles.
  18. PHARMAPACT REPLY TO MCC INVITATION (Above document) (13-November-1997) This letter was served on the MCC declining the invitation to a meeting to patch differences on the grounds that the MCC have not fulfilled their obligation by exercising "Just Administrative Action" by replying to our previous correspondence. The ball was once again thrown into the MCC court.
  19. LETTER TO DR. OLIVE SHISANA (DIRECTOR GENERAL : DEP. OF HEALTH) OBJECTING TO THE LISTINGS SYSTEM BEING PLACED UNDER THE CHIROPRATIC, HOMOEOPATHIC, AND ALLIED HEALTH SERVICE PROFESSIONS INTERIM COUNCIL. (13-November-1997) This letter was served on the Director General of Health to stop Michael O' Brien from expropriating the Listing System under the control of his council, which does not represent the natural health substance market at all. We believed that this would be a huge mistake, considering the fact that members of the CHAHSPC are members of the HPA and the CMC executive committees.
  20. LETTER TO DR. OLIVE SHISANA REQUESTING A MEETING FOR ALL ROLE-PLAYERS (12-January-1998) This letter explains to the Director General that we need an urgent meeting to resolve the crisis. The letter also states that PHARMAPACT will challenge the legality of the CMC by court action. It also stated clearly that certain members of parliament are backing Prof. Folb as a political tea party without any regard for the public's interest.
  21. LETTER TO THE MINISTER OF HEALTH , DR. N .C .ZUMA, REQUESTING HER TO TAKE ACTION AGAINST THE MCC (31-January-1998) This letter informs the minister of the developments in the crisis and calls for her to have greater scrutiny into the dealings of the MCC and her Director General, Dr. Olive shisana, from whom we have had no help.
  22. LETTER TO DR. PHARASI (DIRECTOR : REGISTRATION , DEP OF HEALTH) STATING THAT PHARMAPACT ARE NOT PLEASED THAT THE MINISTER'S EXTERNAL TASK TEAM HAVE NOT HAD OUR REPORT ABOUT THE AFRICAN DEATHS RELATING TO AFRICAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINES. (12-February-1998) This letter clearly states that the Department of Health must come to terms with the fact that the MCC have allowed innocent South Africans to die, despite the fact that the MCC is mandated to "Protect the Public". This letter precipitated a meeting with PHARMAPACT and the TASK TEAM appointed by the minister to investigate the MCC. The same team that made recommendation to the minister to fire the MCC.
  23. LETTER TO THE PUBLIC PROTECTOR (4-March-1998) After a personal meeting between the Public Protector and Anthony Rees, the Public Protector promised that he would investigate the crisis issue. We then wrote this letter to him and sent the entire PHARMAPACT documentational record for his investigation. We await his investigation.
  24. **** A DEBRIEFING TO THE MINISTER'S TASK TEAM, REQUESTING THEIR CREDENTIALS AND ASKING WHETHER THEY ARE SUITABLY QUALIFIED TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE NATURAL HEALTH CARE SECTOR. (6-March-1998) This letter informs the Task Team of the PHARMAPACT argument that herbs can not be listed under the MCC, who are allopathically biased.
  25. LETTER TO DR. BROM (CMC MEMBER) REQUESTING HIM TO LOOK LONG AND HARD AT THE CMC PUPPET SHOW AND TO RE-CONSIDER HIS INVOLVEMENT IN AN ILLEGAL FORUM (CMC). (8-April-1998) This letter calls for Dr. Brom to seriously re-consider the ramifications of staying on the illegal forum, namely the CMC.
  26. **** MARCH 1998 UPDATE REPORT (3-March-1998) Medicines Control Council Regulation of all Natural Health Substances as Medicines - Argument Against Alleged Legality + MCC GENOCIDE EXPOSED !!!!.
  27. ANTHONY REES REPORT . (11-April-1998) Natural Health Substances will be controlled as DRUGS, unless we fight back now. A synopsis of the roll-up methods used to control natural health by the pharmaceutical giants and the MCC.
  28. **** ANTHONY REES - INTERNATIONA REPORT (16-May-1998) This CODEX report has been written to bring to light, the international plan to railroad natural health substances as drugs. This report exposes the fact that in south Africa, we have people who are trying to bring South Africa in line with the current international thinking by insisting that there be over-regulation and hence, control.
  29. ***** INDABA 1998 - OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE. (28-May-1998) This Press Release is the official release to all stake-holders in the government regarding the formation of HEALTH FREEDOM SOUTH AFRICA, a culminative effort by all fragmented health freedom groups who stood together on the issue of holding the listing system. This document lists the members of HFSA and it's inclusion of the Traditional Healers and the guest speaker from America, John Hammel (International Advocates For Health Freedom).
  30. TRADITIONAL MEDICINES UNDER QUESTION . (31-May-1998) . Pharmapact releases information on researched documents by prominent Traditional Healers who are sick and tired of being taken advantage of by the pharmaceutical industry and the medical fraternity. This document This shows that the Healers are hugely divided on the issue of ethno piracy. This abstract allows one to see that the MCC are playing a game of double standards.
  31. *** PHARMAPACT POSITION STATEMENT - AFTER MINISTER SACKS THE MCC (15-June-1998) A short Press release Report on the Pharmapact position after the Minister Of Health, Dr. N. C. Zuma fired the upper hierarchy of the MCC, namely, Prof. Folb, Prof. Schlebush, & Crystal Brukner. CHEERS AMONGST FEARS ! Nice graphics added !!!!
  32. MINISTERIAL INQUIRY REQUSTED . (15-July-1998) . Pharmapact's letter to the Minister Of Health requesting an enquiry into the actions of the MCC / CMC / BBRG and others involved in the Listing System trap. Here, we question the false representation of people attending a BBRG meeting under false pretense as Pharmapact members. We expose Astro Turfers !!
  33. PROTEST TO THE MCC - (6-October-1998) A letter by Pharmapact to Precious Mtsoso, the Registrar of medicines of the MCC, protesting to the above meeting
  34. **** REPORT ON BBRG MEETING ON THE 9TH OF OCTOBER 1998. - (19-October-1998) Pharmapact attend a BBRG Meeting on the 9th of October 1998. This meeting is another reinforcement of Pharmapact's position that the whole MCC / CMC structure is working against health freedom. However, we took the oportunity to make our points clear and served our demands. This document also has a transcription of the meeting.
  35. ***** LEAKED DOCUMENT FROM THE PREVIOUS CHAIRMAN OF THE MCC, PROF FOLB - This important document helps PHARMAPACT and others to understand the Listing System Trap for what it really is. It contains the GMP (Good Manufacturing Procedures) model. See how the game is going to be played into pharmaceutical hands ! READ THIS DOCUMENT !
  37. PHARMAPACT LETTER TO PRECIOUS MTSOSO - Registrar of Medicines (June 1999) This letter kicks the MCC's BUT and is the catalyst which has brought Pharmapact to the MCC table.