FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – 25th January 1999


Since the release of our Shock Leaked Document Summary, which we published on the 10th of June 1998, PHARMAPACT have withheld the full document for strategic reasons. Now we bring you the full document which was leaked to us through a protected source from within the government who shares our views.

PHARMAPACT called for the demise of the current Complimentary Medicines Committee and made an accurate prediction that the Industry-led coup of Natural Health Substance Control would be destroyed in a turning of the tables by the MCC against the industry after they had done the dirty work by way of a fact-finding exercise for the MCC.

Subsequently it has become popular knowledge that many of the once "esteemed" CMC members have been excluded by the MCC / SAMMDRA executive from further steering the course of "Complimentary Medicines" (as demanded by PHARMAPACT).

It is now known that the MCC / MRA have nearly completed their rule-making for the SAMMDRA Bills, "Complimentary Medicine" wing of future jurisdiction. PHARMAPACT are proud to know that all "Complimentary Medicines" will be judged upon the three tiers of Medicines Control, namely safety, quality, and efficacy, which has been at the cornerstone of PHARMAPACT’s policy.

Since our detailed report to the Minister of Health’s Multi-National Task Team for the bringing about of SAMMDRA and our relentless scientific enquiry into the "efficacy" of some "Complimentary Medicines", eg. Homeopathic Over The Counter (OTC) medicines, we have an indication that all such "medicines’ need to be first based on scientific, and clinical evidence. This information was confirmed to us at a meeting with Helen Rees (Chairperson MRA), Precious Matsoso (Registrar of Medicines), and Dr. Will Bannenberg (Dept of Health/WHO), when Dr. Bannenberg admitted that the Folb/industry proposed Listing System was merely a mechanism to extract data from the industry about their products and the ingredients used in them for the further study and control of the active principles.

This statement should tell you that everyone who has thus far voluntarily submitted their lists of substances and indications to the CMC and MCC have been set-up for an elaborate theft of proprietary knowledge and the possible WHO implementation of the South African system elsewhere in the world, where some stand to make a lot of money with formula re-selling and computer program sales which drive the Listing system. Please note carefully that Prof. Folb, who wrote the document below is the Director of World Health Organization’s Collaborating Centre For Drug Policy.

Do you not find it interesting that Mr. Rene Doms of Pharma Natura was once the Chief of Inspectorate for the MCC under Prof. Folb’s wing ?

Do you not find it strange that he was the first one to stand up on the 1st of November 1996, at a Department Of Health meeting and try to bluff everyone into believing his BS story about herbal poisonings and requesting that a system be put into place by the MCC to "legalise" complimentary Medicines ?

Do you not find it strange that this same individual had already begun writing an electronic registration software package for "Complimentary Medicine" months before this meeting ?

Don’t you not find it strange that the ex- Registrar of Medicines, Prof. Schlebush, who was fired from the MCC, has written a book on Complimentary Medicine, when he once stated on national radio that "No herb is safe, in fact they are downright dangerous" (in response to Mr. Thomson’s prompting).

Do you smell a rat, or maybe a plague of rats here ?

Do you see the cleverly laid plan of the past MCC, and now MRA to expropriate not only natural products, but also your rights to Natural Health Care ?

The saying "There are none so blind as those who will not see" and to all those CMC/BBRG stooges out there, we say "Told you so, Suckers". PHARMAPACT will continue to invoke it’s member’s and the public’s Constitutional Rights in the battle for health freedom. We will continue to lead the battle and seek the truth and expose it for what it is, in collaboration with our overseas Health Freedom Fighters, so that we can bring an end to attempts to take away our birthright to God-given natural health substances. Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, and New Zealand have lost their freedom, but we will not surrender to power, money, and greed.

Ask yourself if there is a desperate need for these "Checks and balances" in medicine control, when studies show that traditional natural health substances do not pose any threat to public safety in the western model. On the local front, we have begun a comprehensive study of Traditional African Medicine Toxicity and have revealed a shocking scenario, where in South Africa, up to 62% of all deaths among African people by acute poisoning is directly attributable to traditional medicines.

Why does the MRA not begin by regulating these poisonous products first, and prioritise its mandate to ‘protect" the public form these products ?

Why did the old MCC under the leadership of Prof. Folb, who is also the Head of Department of UCT’s Pharmacology Department’s Traditional Medicines Research Group (previously TRAMED) not do anything to inform the public about these poisonous plants which were and are killing people on a daily basis ? We believe that the only motivation for this is because there are plenty (Cheques and Bank Balances) by way of allopathically driven greed to take over natural health care.

PHARMAPACT do however share the claimed aim of the MRA to protect the public from Health Fraud, and welcome the call for Evidence Based Complimentary Medicine. We welcome the tun around for this call and we will continue to lobby for the strictest standards to be applied so that Herbalism and Nutritional Medicine will have their day in the sun and homeopathic medicines will be permanently buried in the dark recesses from whence it was borne on the back of Satan, the Prince of Darkness as was allopathic drug orientated medicine.

Please read the summary below and witness the events that have led up until now. Also read the full report for a sneak preview into your bleak future if you allow SAMMDRA and the Listing System to go forth into the New World Order stategised enslavement of the human race.

Whether you are a member of the public, press, natural health care industry, or the legislature, you should also demand the answers to these questions. You have the right to know the truth. Become a member of PHARMAPACT and be proud to join the world’s leading team in bringing Truth, dignity and long needed reform to the ailing health care system.

It is still not too late.

Anthony Rees and Stuart Thomson

Co-ordinators : PHARMAPACT




[May 6, 1998 (Number 25)]

[Docket No. 98N-0417]

Proposed Regulations for the Control of Dietary Supplements and Complimentary Medicines

(Our abridged, bolded & underlined exerpts)(Our Ed. comments in brackets)

Summary Published by PHARMAPACT, 10 June, 1998.

SUMMARY: The Medicines Control Council is announcing that it wishes to institute rule-making to develop Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) regulations for Dietary Supplements and Complimentary Medicines.

The industry (HPA) submission was tendered to the Technical Sub-Committee of the Complimentary Medicines Committee, whose function was to democratically, and with all role-players, set standards for the future control and regulation of dietary supplements and Complimentary Medicines under Act 101 of 1965, and are requesting that the Minister pass as expediently as possible, regulations to prescribe good manufacturing practices under the listing system.(This was never democratically/representatively conducted. Ed.)

Such regulations must be modelled after current good manufacturing practice regulations for drugs. Such high regulations we would certainly welcome, considering South Africa is a member of a CODEX commission where such enforcement world-wide will become standard practice by 1999, through CODEX mandate.

Other interested parties, such as consumers, pharmapact, segments of the industry not represented by the HPA who submitted the outline, and the health care community, should have an opportunity to provide comment before the Council develops these measures in 1999. The MCC have continually requested meeting with spoiler groupings, but to no avail. (Bullshit, Ed.) The single, largest obstacle we face is that the consumers and other such groupings feel they have a right to these substances without our proposed regulations. (There you have it from the lion's mouth. We can stop them with your help. Join us now. Ed.)

All herbs and especially Homeopathic Medicines are not safe. South Africa may lead the international trend through recommendations the WHO and CODEX in Berlin later this year.

Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary supplements and dietary ingredients, include Complimentary Medicines and Traditional Medicines. Dietary supplements/ingredients may include vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; other dietary substances used to supplement the diet; and concentrates, metabolites, constituents, extracts, or combinations of these. This also applies to traditional health substances in the African model of health care support. Supplements in the physical form of conventional food shall comply with these regulations.

There is no desire or intent to impose on dietary supplements the type of documentation and validation currently required in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products as yet, however these will be necessary in due course as the industry establishes itself in belief of protection.

We believe that all supplements and Complimentary medicines should be classified as pharmaceutical substances, and the Good Manufacturing Practices applicable to them are similar to those generally applicable to other pharmaceutical substances in an imperative pubic protection plan directed by the World Health Organisation. (This false public safety red-herring has been indisputedly intellectually demolished by us elsewhere. Ed.)

Proposed GMP (includes:)

Economic Issues

The MCC sees a lot of scope for dietary supplements and complimentary medicines in the pharmaceutical marketplace in South Africa. Many pharmaceutical companies have indicated that the access to these substances from competent health care providers such as pharmacies, and medical personel can unfold into a fruitful extension of current pharmaceutical markets. How closely the current practices of firms manufacturing dietary supplements conform to the industry submissions, has already been achieved by assessing the companies applications to list their products under such a standard. (Big Five. Ed.)

The establishment of CGMP could have economic effects on small businesses in the dietary supplement industry. The MCC requests that it be responsible for testing and that the companies involved, by required by law to pay for such services.

The presence of pharmacologically active substances in these products distinguishes them from foods. Efficacy for these products must be established through medical trials.

MCC suggest a limited number of licence holders so that the industry can conform in a limited amount of time.

Dated: May 6, 1998.

Prof. Peter Folb

Chairman - Medicines Control Council

Director : WHO : Collaborating Centre For Drug Policy