This species is not seen often in the aquarium trade. With problems of exportation in Venezuela, this species from that region will be more difficult to obtain until further notice. Brazilian species are more reddish, but other waters may produce a golden-yellow form. At one time in science, this species was considered a Serrasalmus species. Sufficient examples seen and examined places this species as a Pristobrycon.
The species is a fin biter and performs this function quite well. Certainly not fit to be kept as a group. Young ones are sometimes kept together, as they mature their natural behavior develops rapidly. Recommend keeping as solitary species in home aquarium. Pristobrycon striolatus, which has previously been regarded as quite distinct from its congeners (Machado-Allison et al., 1989), forms a well-supported group with Catoprion and Pygopristis. This is consistent with the results of Ortí et al. The fish has the distinct dark "V" at the caudal fin with the edging having a black band. Heavily spotted (small) with a humeral blemish on the cheek. The eye is hyaline with a dark band transecting it, the base of the adipose fin is very dark and the body very silvery with the lower jaw red. The body has tints of orange and the coloration is more intense during breeding condition. The adult species feed on fish during the dry season, then switch to fruits when the rain forest is flooded. the diet can also consist of fins, terrestrial insects, crustaceans and of course scales. Grows to about 20 cm (David Schleser, 1977). Often called (erroneously Serrasalmus scapularis). The synonym name P. scapularis is herein revised as a synonym [Synonym of Pristobrycon striolatus (Steindachner 1908) -- (Jégu in Reis et al. 2003:188) ].
VALID NAME: Pristobrycon striolatus Steindachner, 1908
Pygopristis antoni Fernández-Yepez, 1965.
Serrasalmo scapularis, Günther 1864:368 (Synonym of Pristobrycon striolatus (Steindachner 1908) -- (Jégu in Reis et al. 2003:188.Perhaps should be considered as valid as Pristobrycon scapularis (Günther 1864).
Serrasalmus (Pygocentrus) striolatus Steindachner, 1908.
Pygocentrus striolatus Fernandez-Yepez, 1969, Evencias, 23:2.
Crushed seeds and fish parts.
Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname and Venezuela.
Modulo Unellez, Mantcal, AP
Rio Emoni, A.
Rio Guariquio, Laguna La Yuca, GU
Rio Chimire, Gu
Cano Babilla, afl. Rio Casiquiare, A.
Cano Amazonas, Rio Negro, A.
Rio Caura con Rio Orinoco, BO
Rio Aquaro, GU
Morichal Largo, MO
Morichal El Toro,GU
Rio Atabapo, A.
Rio Mavaca, A.
Brazil; Curua-Una, Trombetas, Cumina, Uatuma, Pitinga, Mapuera, Jatapu, Puduari, Capucapu, Negro, Cachorro.
Guyana; Dawa pumping station on Lake Topakuma shore side; Topakuma River drainage. No others collected.
Venezuela; Apure, Orinoco, Morichal Largo-Orinoco, Capanaparo, Alto Orinoco, Mavaca, Cinaruco, Llanos E.
15.0 cm TL
Steindachner, F. 1908 Über sechs neue Serrasalmo- und Myletes-Arten aus Südamerika. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien v. 45 (no. 18): 359-367.
Eigenmann, C. H. 1915 (Mar.) The Serrasalminae and Mylinae. Ann. Carnegie Mus. v. 9 (nos. 3-4): 226-272, Pls. 44-58.
Fink, W. L. 1993 (18 Aug.) Revision of the piranha genus Pygocentrus (Teleostei, Characiformes). Copeia 1993 (no. 3): 665-687.
Taphorn, D. C. 1992 The characiform fishes of the Apure River drainage, Venezuela. Biollania Edición Especial - No. 4. Monografias Cientificas del Museo de Ciencias Naturales, UNELLEZ -- Guanara, estado Portuguesa, Venezuela. 1-537.
Géry, J. 1972 (19 Dec.) Poissons characoïdes des Guyanes. I. Généralités. II. Famille des Serrasalmidae. Zool. Verh. (Leiden) No. 122: 1-250, Pls. 1-16.
Planquette, P., P. Keith and P.-Y. Le Bail 1996 Atlas des poissons d'eau douce de Guyane (Tome 1). Muséum National d'Historie Naturelle, Ministère de l'Environnement. Atlas Poissons Guyane: 1-431.
Machado-Allison, Antonio., Fink, William., 1996 Los Peces Caribes de Venezuela, Diagnosis, Claves, Aspectos Ecologicos Y Evolutivos.
Goulding, Michael, 1980 The Fishes and The Forest, Explorations in the Amazonian Natural History. University of California Press Berkely, Los Angeles London.
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UPDATED: 12/27/2011