Easy to Slip Away
Siren Song
Just Good Friends
Too Many of My Yesterdays
Comfortable? [possibly 'Nightman']
Shingle song
I Could
A Way Out
Still Life
Encore: Traintime [most likely on piano]
22 Feb El Universal Article
Spanish, then English Translation
Hola a todos:
verdad es que no se como empezar este mensaje
. El viernes pasado en la
noche se hizo realidad un sueargamente acariciado por mi, mis amigos y
muchos asistentes al Celarg. Pensscribir estas lineas apenas llegu la
casa, incluso prenda mina a la 1am, a pesar del cansancio por la larga
jornada, el toque de Sonda y la adrenalina desparramada. Sin embargo, pensue
luego de madurar la experiencia tendr
mcosas que contar. Y as Nuestra
aficior la ma de Hammill estirectamente relacionada con la
honestidad, la autenticiad musical, tan escasa estos dias, la consecuencia con
un modo de concebir el hecho art
ico, con la libertad de creacicon la
beda de la verdad interior, con el lado "romantico" de la vida, en f
una forma de entender la vida que pasa de las modas, las poses y los clich
Hammill es un tipo que siente lo que hace con una tremenda intensidad y eso lo
trasmite. Permancer indiferente ante su musica es imposible: o se le ama o se le
odia. No hay terminos medios. Creo, sin lugar a equivocarme, que anoche las
expectativas fueron largamente rebasadas.
El torbellino emocional que me
produjo Peter Hammill el viernes es dificilmente describible en un email. Muchos
a 10, 15, 20, esperando la oportunidad de verlo en vivo, coleccionando su
musica, videos y material no oficial de todo tipo. Sin duda que el repertorio
escogido fuspecialmente concebido por Peter para una ocasion especial como la
que nos tocvir: su primer concierto del a de la dda y su debut en
Venezuela. Oir piezas que ten
muchos asin intrepretar en vivo, como Still
Life, Autumn, The Siren Song, Easy to slip away, ha sido un privilegio. Hubo
momentos de aut鮴ica conmociminutos de gloria emocional irrepetibles. El
trio de If I Could, Modern (que final!) y el infaltable clᳩco Time for a
Change definen el lado tormentoso y romantico de Peter. Just good Friends
recibia cᬩda y merecida bienvenida, luego de una bellisima The Siren Song
y el sorprendente inicio con Easy to Slip Away de 1973. Yo pocas veces he
sentido una sensacian estremecedora como con Stranger Still, cuyo final fu頍
tan intenso y desgarrador que todavmientras escribo estas lineas se me eriza
la piel y se me hiela la sangre. Creo que Peter jamas imagine en Caracas
recibiruna de las ovaciones mas tremendas. Aun sin recuperarme de ese final,
sobrevino una nueva carga emocional con Still Life una de las composiciones m᳠
viscelares de toda su vasta discografia.
Es una de mis piezas favoritas,
con una linea de texto que reza "Nothing can ever be the same", que a partir de
este concierto es una realidad. El regalo, Traintime, nos volvimostrar a un
fenomenal Stuart jugando con el arco del violin. Pero anoche no todo fu頍
Hammill. Es probable que muchos asistentes se hayan sorprendido por el
virtuosismo, ingenio y peso musical del violinmenso de Stuart Gordon. Su
sonido fu頳encillamente o, y su aporte a la concepcion y desarrollo de cada
pieza fu頡bsolutamente brillante. Stuart es un talento como pocos, un academico
ganado a la musica pop, para nuestra gran suerte. Sus recursos son muchos, pero
entre todos los que nos mostr頥l Wah-Wah el que mas me impresion tal
punto de que el recuerdo de Hendrix vino a mi mente. Su violpuede oirse en
grabaciones de muchos otros artistas, entre ellos, XTC (Apple Venus Vol 1). En
el proximo disco de la excepcional banda inglesa Porcupine Tree Stuart colabora
en tres piezas. Yo creo que estuve predestinado desde que Carlos Souki me dijo
que Hammill estaba confirmado para el 18 de febrero. Sin buscarlo surgi
chance de Sonda a Barnard para abrir la velada. El hecho en si de la visita me
permititrevistarlo por email, haciendo una primera aproximacion a lo que
seria este concierto. Las impresiones que me deje contacto virtual fueron
confirmadas en Caracas. Luego el pasado jueves 17, estando yo de viaje en USA,
mi vuelo de regreso coincidin el de Peter, por lo cual, pudimos entablar una
primera aunque corta conversa, truncada por nuestro mutuo cansancio y jet lag.
Desde ese momento, Stuart comenzmostrase como una persona increiblemente
bromista. Ya el viernes algunos asitimos a la prueba de sonido, corta, en la que
tocimo on the Parapet, que por razones deconocidas no interpret el show.
Yendo el sabado hacia Esperanto, donde le esparaba una sesion de firmas,
le compramos una Guia Turistica de Venezuela, a ver si regresan a turistear,
aunque la prioridad es que vuelva otra vez a tocar, cosa que yo veo probable. Es
increible como puede una persona tan apacible, de buenos modales y respetuoso
tratamiento, transformarse en un remolino de pasiones sobre un escenario. Pero
ass Hammill, aseguirᠳiendo y aso queremos y respetamos. Lo
necesitamos. Ha quedado muy contento con esta presentacion, de hecho piensa que
es una de sus mas logradas de los ultimos a Yo creo que a ninguno de
nosotros se nos olvidarᮠNothing can ever be the
Juan Carlos Ballesta
PD: Los invito a leer la
excelente entrevista que el periodista Manuel Lebon de El Universal le hizo el
viernes pasado en la ma y que sale publicada hoy.
Hello to all: The
truth is that not like beginning this message Last Friday at night reality was
made a dream long caressed by my, my friends and many assistants to the Celarg.
I thought to write these lines as soon as I arrived at the house, I even caught
the machine to 1am, in spite of the fatigue by the long day, the touch of
Sounding and the open adrenalin.
br> Nevertheless, I thought that after
maturing the experience it would have more things than to count. And thus it is.
Our liking by the music of Hammill directly is related to the honesty,
autenticiad musical, so little these days, the consequence with a way to
conceive the artistic fact, with the freedom of creation, the search of the
inner truth, with " the romantico " side of the life, in f with a form to
understand the life that happens of the fashions, the poses and the
Hammill is a type that feels what does with a tremendous
intensity and that trasmite. Indifferent Permancer before its musica is
impossible: or it is loved to him or it is hated to him. There are no average
terminos. I create, without place to mistake to me, that last night the
expectations long were exceeded.
The emotional eddy that produced Peter
Hammill Friday to me is dificilmente describeible in an email. Many years, 10,
15, 20, hoping the opportunity to see it live, collecting its musica, videos and
material nonofficial of all type. Without a doubt that the selected repertoire
fu頳pecially conceived by Peter for a special occasion like which it was called
on to us to live:
its first concert of the year and the decade and his
debut in Venezuela. Oir pieces that were many years old without intrepretar
live, like Still Life, Autumn, The Siren Song, Easy to slip away, has been a
privilege. There were moments of authentic commotion, unique minutes of
emotional glory. Trio of If I Could, Modern (that final) and the classic
infaltable for Time to Change defines the stormy and romantico side of Peter.
Just good Friends received a warm one and deserved welcome, after one bellisima
The Siren Song and the surprising beginning with Easy to Slip Away of 1973.
I not very often have felt a as frightening sensation as with Stranger
Still, whose so intense and heartrendering end fu頴hat still while I write
these lines it makes bristle the skin to me and freezes the blood to me. I
believe that Peter jamas imagined that in Caracas he would receive one of the
tremendous ovaciones but. Even without recovering to me of that end, viscelares
of all its vast discografia happened a new emotional load with Still Life one of
the compositions more.
Thus is one of my favorite pieces, with a line of
text that says " Nothing dog to ever be the same ", that from this concert is a
reality. The gift, Traintime, returned to show to us a phenomenal Stuart playing
with the arc of the violin. But last night not everything fu須ammill.
It is probable that many assistants have been surprised by the
virtuosity, talent and musical weight of the immense violin of Stuart Gordon.
Its simply unique sound fu鬠and its contribution to the conception and
development of each absolutely shining piece fu鮠Stuart is a talent as few, a
academico gained to the pop musica, for our great luck. Their resources are
many, but between all those that the Wah-Wah showed to us fu頴he one that but
it impressed to me, such point from that the memory of Hendrix came to my mind.
Its violin can be oir in recordings of many other artists, among them, XTC
(Apple Venus Vol 1).
In proximo disc of the exceptional English band
Porcupine Tree Stuart collaborates in three pieces. I believe that I was
predestined since Carlos Souki said to me that Hammill was confirmed for the 18
of February. Without looking for it chance arose from Sounding to Barnard to
open the evening. The fact in if of the visit it allowed me to interview it by
email, doing one first approach to which serious east concert. The printings
that that virtual contact left me were confirmed in Caracas. Soon the past
Thursday 17, being I of trip in the USA.
The USA, my flight of return
agreed with the one of Peter, thus, we could establish one first although it
cuts talks, truncated by our mutual fatigue and jet lag. From that moment,
Stuart began to showed like an incredibly joking person. Already Friday some
asitimos to the test of sound, cuts, in which the Parapet touched Primo on, that
for deconocidas reasons it did not interpret in the show.
Going the
sabado one towards Esperanto, where him esparaba a session of companies, we
bought Turistica Guide to him of Venezuela, to see if they return to turistear,
although the priority is that it again returns to touch, thing that I see
probable. It is incredible as a so calm person can, of good modales and
respectful processing, to transform itself into an eddy of passions on a
But thus it is Hammill, thus it will continue being and thus we
want it and we respected. We needed it. It has been very contented with this
presentation, in fact it thinks that one is of his but obtained of the ultimos
years. I believe that to no of us she will forget to us. Nothing dog to ever be
the same.
Juan Carlos Crossbow
br> PS: I invite
them to read the excellent interview that the journalist Manuel Lebon of the
Universal one did Friday to him last in the morning and that leaves today
Thanks very much to
Riccardo and Gabriel for the material
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