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Articles by John Redford Scott  
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Hon. Norman Rogers - A Tribute

Newspaper article 1940
The sudden passing of the Hon. Norman Rogers has called forth high tributes from associates and friends.  His ability and character merited them.  It is essential to successful democratic government that men of such qualities be willing to undertake its leadership, and we are proud of the contribution of this son of the Maritimes.

An occasion comes to mind when as a young professor of History, he addressed a Sunday evening meeting of College students in a men's residence.  Talking of his own experience and the time he served as a soldier, the comfort and help he derived through regular reading of the New Testament.

Another instance is remembered when some years later he attended to speak and to be honored at the Centennial Exercises of Acadia. After being introduced to two Pine Hill professors, one of them spoke of having met him previously when he had delivered an address at Fort Massey Church, Halifax.  He recalled the occasion and how this professor had spoken appreciatively to him.  "You have gone far since then" he was complimented.  With customary grace and kindness he remarked: "I don't think we can ever go far from the Church." May the Church ever strive to command the respect of those who lead the nation's affairs and of all who look to her for guidance.

[Norman McLeod Rogers the Canadian Minister of National Defence died in a plane crash June 16, 1940 near Newtownville Ontario.  His tragic death prompted Prime Minister Mackenzie King to state that the life of Rogers the statesman will remain "a part of our national heritage." ]

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