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Fort Massey Cemetery - Halifax, NS 

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At the Foot of the Cross:
Serg. David Scott (c1775-1803)

On March 23, 2001, Ruth Scott, Halifax NS, and Ian Scott of Charlottetown, PEI were shown the headstone prepared by Veterans' Affairs Canada for placement on the grave of Serg. David Scott.  Locating the grave almost 200 years after the colonial soldier's burial, was a process begun by family in the 1930's without success.  A wooden marker deteriorated over 100 years ago leaving no evidence in the cemetery, and an amalgamated record book contained his name but with the wrong date. Original records were not available but finally with the assistance of a Parks Canada historian and research by family of military, and cemetery records the story began to unfold.

Veterans Affairs knew the location of David Scott's grave within the military cemetery, and realized that the headquarters records of the Royal Artillery were more accurate regarding dates.  Their decision to erect a headstone occurred at the same time as Fort Massey Cemetery was designated a National Historic Site,  which will ensure that other unmarked graves of colonial soldiers are given the respect they deserve, through the erection of a cemetery guide listing all known graves.

Along with his wife Jeannie Dalgity,  David moved a Scottish family to their first home North America.  While he lived only a short time in the new land, his descendants now extend to the 10th generation and include individuals in 24 states and several provinces.

The search for his unmarked grave ended in a very special spot.  In the centre of Fort Massey Cemetery, on a small hillside is a large granite cross - a memorial cenotaph - the grave is located . . . at the foot of the cross.

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