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Friends of The President Street Station

This is how the station looked during The Civil War

"The only new thing in the world is history you don't know yet." Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Picture of early members of The Second Maine Veteran Volunteer Cavalry, A Civil War reenactment group, founded in 1959. Pictured from left to right: Jerry Todd, Louis Turner, Mark Rooney, Steve Bunker, Lester Schumacher. The first four in the picture, were the the original group to start a wreath laying ceremony at the station in 1980. Steve Bunker and I are holding a set of bronze plaques, that were commissioned by my father Edward Turner, for The Baltimore Civil War Round Table in 1961. These plaques were supposed to be placed on the President St. Station & The Camden St Station, for the 100th anniversary of the riots in Baltimore.

My Favorite Links

Official web page of The First & Second Maine Cav. - A Civil War reinactment group
MD State Archives - Research MD history online
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This picture was taken near the end of the Civil War. It show a group of men belonging to the Veteran Firemans Association of Baltimore. Some of these men were probably once Fire Zouaves. A Fire Zouave is a volunteer fireman who has enlisted in the Army. There were entire regiments of Zouaves during the war. The steps on which they are seated belong to The Baltimore Gas Light Corporation, now known as BGE. On April 19, 1861, an injured soldier sought refuge in this building, leaving behind his rifle afterward. This rifle is on display in this building to this day. The present owner of this building is The Baltimore Equitable Society, A fire insurance company that has been in existence since 1794. The "Friends" are trying to get this rifle to be placed on loan to The Baltimore Civil War Museum. For a humorous period definition of what a Zouave is click here.

A picture of some of the members of Second Maine Cav. at President St. in '97

A picture of Steve Bunker giving a speech at President St. in 1988. Pvt's. Rooney and Baker are in the backround.

A picture of some troops from 2nd. Maine Cav. during the ceromony at President St. in 1988. Note that the station in the backround has not yet been restored.

A picture of Robert Reyes & Ralph Vincent at the wreath laying ceremony at the station on April 19,1998. In the backround is the recently restored front wall of the station.

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This silk ribbon shows pro Union sentiment, common during the war. An early use of propaganda.

Click below to see some other pictures of the station.

Other station pictures.

Click below to see pictures of the Sixth Massachusetts.

6th Mass. pictures

Click below to see pictures of early newspaper clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Click below to see pictures of Civil War period civilian dress.

Civilian dress

Click below to see pictures of Confederate troops.

Confederate Troops

A membership form to join The Friends will be available soon

The Museum is open daily from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Or you can call the Station at 410-385-5188

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times since December 7, 1997. The fiftieth anniversary of President Eisenhower's signing into law The Civil War Centennial Commission

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