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About me...

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Well, since you asked...


Remember when I asked for suggestions?  Well, I was asked to give a bit of extra information about myself, and as much as I have tried to remain a "behind-the-scenes" kind of person, I did promise to do what I can I guess.  I asked for it, by asking for suggestions, so here goes:

Me at my top
weight: 554 pounds.

I am currently at
305.5 pounds

Who am I? 

Well, I was born October 30, 1968 in Lawton, Oklahoma to a mother from Illinois and a father from Texas.  Basically, that meant that I could give up all hope of having a normal accent from day one.  I would guess my accent is more Midwestern than Southern, even though I've spent most of my life in Texas. 

I consider myself to be a creative and adventurous spirit, and a modern-day renaissance man.  Beyond being a webmaster, I am also a tenor with a three and a half octave range, a vocal arranger, a former deejay and stand-up comic, a poet and a film critic.  These are just hobbies. 

The picture at the top left was taken in 1998.  Customer service week.  I had designed a theme for our team called "Mentors In Back" describing our place in the organization.  The lower pic is me with my neice Heather from last Thanksgiving.  Yes, I'm a technogeek, but a lovable technogeek.  As Douglas Adams once described Earth, many have described me as well:  Mostly Harmless.

Of course, that's a pretty big "Mostly" as I have also been described as having "dangerous eyes".  Yes, I love being a Scorpio.  It allows me to truly enjoy life. 

I am a romantic, and believe myself to be a part of a dying breed.  Sadly, I find that so many people are so focused on the immediate gratification of the moment that romance has become part a lost art and part the stuff dreams are made of.  I believe there can be a sensuality in the decadence of every moment of anticipation, the knowing looks and gestures, and the sharing of a spirit that can only be achieved through knowing your partner on a plane far deeper than physical can guess.  I guess that is really why I don't just jump from "relationship" to "relationship".  There has to be a bond of mental intimacy before I can enjoy physical pleasure.  

My personal preferences:  (If you have any questions, just ask:)

Orientation I myself am straight.  I have nothing against those who aren't, but I've been propositioned by guys and I didn't feel like it was something I wanted to pursue.  Guys are great as friends, but that's about it.  Women just feel right to me, and that's really what it's about.
Preferences Hair color, weight, eye color, all of these are really unimportant.  What's important is not what is on the outside, but what pumps through all four chambers of the human heart, what possesses the soul, and what fills the air she chooses to breathe.  Love is more than a moment in the mirror, it is what completes the spirit. 
Music Okay, with the exception of Opera and sitar music, I am pretty much open to everything.  My personal collection literally ranges from ABBA to ZZ Top and my tastes also range from Frank Sinatra to Travis Tritt.  Basically, if you've seen it on the Billboard charts, I've probably had my moment listening to it.  Music is my other world.
Movies Again, name it.  I am a collector and movie buff in most genres.  Escapism is a pastime I have grown to embrace.
Hobbies Computers and music.  These are my primary focus.  I'm not really into sports, but I will watch the occasional game when I'm around fans.  I like being caught up in the moment, even if I'm not the reason there's a moment to be caught in.
Career I've been working on the phones for a little over 12 years doing everything from phone sales to phone support for desktop applications.  I have built a career of helping others and support is where I feel I do the most good.  Problem is I have never been more than a phone tech.  With my experience, I know I can do more, but I also know I can't be promoted while I'm as large as I am.  It frustrates me to see people with fewer qualifications and less experience being promoted before me, but I am not giving up on the dream of something more.  I have some concepts, but I'll wait until I have the funds to get them off the ground before I go into more detail about them. 
Family I would like a family, but I also know I feel like I'm a bit old to start one.  I wouldn't mind taking on a family with kids already in place, but I don't know about being 50 before I could enjoy retirement.  Of course, that's a bridge I'll cross when it gets here.
Other views on life That's what the website is for. If you want to find out what I think, or have thought, please feel free to browse the "Rants" page at my personal website, located at

I am an open person without a lot of secrets.  If you have questions or would like to know more, let me know... I'd love to hear from you.



Click here to see my screenplay "Birthright"
