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  • Royal Rumble
  • Raw
  • Links (To Sega Genesis Raw, WWF Arcade Game, IYH Video Game, etc.)

    WWF Royal Rumble

    Super Nintendo Version

    All special moves in Royal Rumble and Raw use the R Button, but wrestlers all have to be in different positions...

    Bret "Hitman" Hart
    Sharpshooter: At fallen opponent's feet.
    Cranium Crunch: Behind dazed opponent.
    Ted DiBiase
    Million Dollar Dream: Behind dazed opponent.
    Mr. Perfect
    Perfectplex: Out of grapple.
    The Macho Man
    Avalance Elbow Smash: From top rope onto fallen opponent.
    The Undertaker
    Tombstone: Out of Grapple.
    Reverse Fallaway Slam: After opponent is thrown off ropes.
    Ric Flair
    Figure-Four Leglock: At fallen opponent's feet.
    Shawn Michaels
    Back Suplex: Behind dazed opponent.
    Lex Luger
    Forearm Smash: Opponent bounces off ropes, you bounce off opposite ropes.
    Banzai Drop: Opponent fallen in top right/left corner.
    Razor Ramon
    Razor's Edge: Out of grapple.

    WWF Raw

    Bret "Hitman" Hart
    Sharpshooter: At fallen opponent's feet.
    Owen Hart
    Sharpshooter: At fallen opponent's feet.
    Jacknife: Out of grapple.
    Whoopee Cushion: Off top rope onto fallen opponent.
    1-2-3 Kid
    Moonsault: Off top rope to dazed opponent.
    Tombstone: Out of grapple.
    Luna Vachon
    Luna Eclipse: Out of corner to fallen opponent.
    Bam Bam Bigelow
    Headbutt: Off top rope to fallen opponent.
    Shawn Michaels
    Slingshot: Behind dazed opponent.
    Lex Luger
    Forearm Smash: Opponent bounces off ropes, you bounce off opposite ropes.
    Banzai Drop: Opponent fallen in top right/left corner.
    Razor Ramon
    Razor's Edge: Out of grapple.


    Sega Genesis Raw Info

    Maniac Joe's Wrestlemania Arcade Game FAQ

    WWF Wrestlemania Arcade Game FAQ

    In Your House Video Game FAQ (Move List) 

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