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Note, you should get an error message telling you
that a sound file could not be opened.

This is the Java script to play Crescendo Midi music in both
Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer
Browsers with out any conflict.

Warning, if you copy and paste this script it will not set up correctly, but instead when you paste it it will be in a straight line.  It must look exactly as it appears.  Either adjust it to look the same as you see here


Instead, click on the body of this page with your right hand mouse button, and select view source.  When looking at the source text, notice At the bottom of the page is the code as it should be pasted into the HTML section of your page.  Use only one of the two for your page.


<!-- // Script for Crescendo MIDI playing.
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
document.write('<EMBED TYPE="music/crescendo" ')
document.write('SONG="yoursong.mid" ')
document.write('PLUGINSPAGE="" ')
document.write('HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200></EMBED>') }
else { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
document.write('<OBJECT ID=Crescendo ') document.write('CLASSID="clsid:0FC6BF2B-E16A-11CF-AB2E-0080AD08A326" ')
document.write('HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200> ')
document.write('<PARAM NAME="Song" VALUE="yoursong.mid"></OBJECT>')


For pages use the java script below or if you use a different directory to store your midi files in.


<!-- // Script for Crescendo MIDI playing.
if (navigator.appName == "Netscape") {
document.write('<EMBED TYPE="music/crescendo" ')
document.write('SONG="images/yoursong.mid" ')
document.write('PLUGINSPAGE="" ')
document.write('HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200></EMBED>') }
else { if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
document.write('<OBJECT ID=Crescendo ') document.write('CLASSID="clsid:0FC6BF2B-E16A-11CF-AB2E-0080AD08A326" ')
document.write('HEIGHT=55 WIDTH=200> ')
document.write('<PARAM NAME="Song" VALUE="images/yoursong.mid"></OBJECT>')


AOL Members making their own webpages, and wish to have the counter
work on their page, use the HTML Code below.

<!--Start AOL Counter Code-->


<FONT COLOR="#0000ff"><BIG>You are visitor


<IMG SRC="/cgi-bin/counter?Saraphina5/index&amp;font=sbg">


since 09/01/98</BIG></FONT>



<!--End AOL Counter Code-->

note   Saraphina2 would be the AOL screen name used

and    index     would be the page name, in this case, for instance index means it is for the page  index.html.  

=This page Written by=
=Beamers and Blasters=
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Since Feb. 02, 1999