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CoMe AlOnG wItH mE !

rey 1998

I'm going to visit Blue.

Want to come?

Let's Learn Our ABC's!

Hi, My name is Trey. Mommy helped me make this page to
share with you. I am 3 years old. I spend most of my time learning and playing!
I am learning my ABC's and some songs too!
I have my own computer and playing on it helps me learn lot!

Soon I will be big enough to do this page all by myself. :)
I hope you find lots to do here. I would like to hear from you.
If you have any ideas or favorite places that you like to visit
online, send me(& mommy) an email and we will add them here.
Here are some more wavs from me!

I hope you have FUN visiting with us. :)
Don't forget to check out my webcam page!

Download Blue's Clues Birthday Pics in a zip file!

PREscHooL AcTiVity LiNKs

Dr. Seuss's SeUSSviLLe

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MoRe FuN StuFF!!!! teddyb.gif - 3.63 K

Another FUN place!

CARtoon World's GrEATest CarTOONS! , BuiLd a PlAyHouSe

CHILDren's MuSiC LisT , Toddler Software

ChildReN's MuSic WeB

InTeResting PlAces 4 Kids

KiDs' PlayPlaCe

KiDs' SpAce

Sounds, Pictures and Links to more FuN! :)


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Family Photos

tHaNks FoR viSiting! hEre R MoMmy and DadDy's PaGeS.

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LeT mE kNow hoW U liKe mY page! :) Please, let mommy know if you find any problems with my PagE.

Copyright © 1997-2001 by Trey Clark. All rights reserved.

Last updated on , March 28, 2000 16:37:27