1/17/98 Southbridge, MA CWA
1. Mr. Intensity Eric Sbraccia with The Brotherhood(Boston Bad Boy Tony Rumble, Reno, Tre, and Knuckles Nelson) vs. Vic Steamboat(CWA Heavyweight Title Match)
2. Dave Jones vs. Dyanmite Rocky Shore
3. The Outpatient with Nurse Zombie vs. The All American Mike Hollow
4. Real Deal Joel Davis with Bull Montana vs. Curtis Slamdawg with The Pink Assassin
5. Trooper Gilmore vs. Tre with The Brotherhood(Boston Bad Boy Tony Rumble, Little Larry, Mr. Intensity Eric Sbraccia, Reno, and Knuckles Nelson)
6. Millennium(champion) vs. El Diablo(challenger)(Cruiserweight Title Match)
7. Knuckles Nelson vs. Vic Steamboat
8. Dynamite Rocky Shore vs. Joe Gulla
9. Antonie Roy with G.Q. John Rodeo vs. The All American Mike Hollow
10. Mr. Intensity Eric Sbraccia(champion) with The Brotherhood(Tre and Little Larry vs. The Mercenary(challenger)(CWA Heavyweight Title Match)
11. Mr. USA Tony Atlas vs. Knuckles Nelson