7/18/99 Newport, VT Summer Showdown 99 GMW
1. ESPN's Superstar Joel Davis and The Phantom vs. Delicious Dave Vicious(2-on-1 Handicap Match)
2. The Hit Squad(John Scott and Victor Creed) vs. Irresistible Johnny Idol and Mike Steele
3. Mark Nugera The Jaguar vs. Centerfold Steve Ramsey with Luscious Lucy
4. The Golden Greek Alex Arion with Centerfold Steve Ramsey and Luscious Lucy vs. Brutal Bob Evans with Colossus Scott Sharky(Tag Team Title Shot Match)
5. Ron Zombie vs. Dangerous Donny Rotten
6. The Extreme Adam Hastey vs. Irresistible Johnny Idol with Mike Steele
7. Colossus Scott Sharky with Brutal Bob Evans vs. Aaron Morison
8. ESPN's Newest Superstar Real Deal Joel Davis and Dangerous Donny Rotten vs. New New York Posse(Curtis Slamdawg and The Mercenary)
9. Irresistible Johnny Idol and Mike Steele vs. Centerfold Steve Ramsey and Nitemare Dan Hawk with Luscious Lucy
10. Mike Steele with Irresistible Johnny Idol vs. Aaron Morison
11. The Triad(Brutal Bob Evans and Collossus Scott Sharky)(champions) vs. Centerfold Steve Ramsey and Dan Hawk(challengers) with Luscious Lucy(Tag Team Championship Match)(2 out of 3 Falls Match)
12. Dave Vicious(champion) with Master Sandy vs. The Mercenary(challenger)(Television Championship Match)
13. Ron Zombie(champion) vs. Curtis Slamdawg(challenger)(GMW Heavyweight Championship Match)