7/1/00 Sturbridge, MA SCCW
1. The Vertabreaker with Kevin Castro vs. The Worlds Youngest Professional Wrestling Kid Krazy
2. Sports Ilustrated Living Legend and Hollywood Superstar and Damn He Looks Good Robbie Ellis vs. Mike Paiva
3. Extreme Excellence Alex Payne vs. The Dancing Devil Damian Houston
4. Mike Steele vs. Alex Arion
5. Big Dawg Wilson vs. Stryker
6. The Highlight Kid and Old School Derik Destiny with Kevin Castro vs. The Damned(Mad Dog and Draven)
7. Nick Steel vs. Tavian Rave
8. Gabriel vs. The Sun Dragon
9. Dr. Heresy(champion) vs. Tough Trent McNeely(challenger)(SCCW Heavyweight Title Match)