(Transcribed from the original)
Always First In Health Plans
14955 Heathrow Forest Parkway
Houston, TX 77032
(281) 986-8000
May 6, 1999
Mr. Ronald J. Martin
501 Sycamore Lane
Apt. 327
Euless, TX 76039
Employee: Ronald Martin
Soc. Sec. No.: XXX-XX-XXXX
Employer: S & A Restaurant Corp./H2823
Dear Mr. Martin:
Attached please find an updated spreadsheet reflecting adjustments made to your claims following an outside review of your file. In addition, payments for the adjusted claims are enclosed. (My note: $241.57 paid)
You will be receiving a response to other outstanding items from Linda Farina, S&A Restaurant Corp., under separate cover.
Mary Jo Thompson
Support Service
CC: Linda Farina, S & A Restaurant Corp.