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Sea Watch Tours
(established 1969, Canadian Coast Guard approved)

General Information

Below are some topics of general information which may help in answering some of your questions. Please feel free to contact us for any further information. We'll be happy to help you.

Atlantic Daylight Time - If arriving from the United States or the province of Quebec remember to set your watches ahead one hour. We are on Atlantic Daylight Time.

Clothing - Wear layers, even though it is summer and very warm on the land, it can be quite chilly on the ocean. The Bay of Fundy waters remain cool, at approximately 50°F/10°C. Any breeze at all on these cool waters can make you forget that it's summer. We also have blankets available if your sweatshirt, sweater and jacket just aren't enough.

Weather - Fog, rough seas and wind are the three thing we can do without. The trip to Machais Seal Island can be made in the fog, but not in conjunction with any of the other elements mentioned above. Whale watching tours must take all three elements into consideration. If the weather is questionable, we do our best to keep you informed about the status of your tour.

Life Jackets - Life jackets are a manatory item aboard the vessel. While you are not required by law to wear it during the trip, you may if you wish. The lifejackets that we are required by law to carry for children are very awkward and cumbersome. We encourage parents of small children, who want them to wear one, to bring their own if they have one because they would be more comfortable.

Sea Watcher - The "Sea Watcher" is inspected annually by the Canadian Coast Guard and is licensed to carry 25 passengers and two crew.

Wheelchairs - We can accomodate someone in a wheelchair if you notify us in advance of your tour. The extreme rise and fall of the tides and public wharf access must be taken into account when accomodating a wheelchair, but rest assured that we will do our best.

Sunscreen - Wear sunscreen with a minimun of 15 SPF. Although you are under a canopy, reflection of the sun off the water increases the liklihood of sunburn and can be very dangerous to the skin.

Food and Beverages - Feel free to bring your own food or lunch. Hot drinks are available on board and the first cup is free. You may bring soft drinks and juices, but no alcoholic beverages are permitted.

Film & Shirts - may be purchased aboard the "Sea Watcher".

Binoculars - bring them along if you like, although they are not usually necessary.

Pets - are not permitted on board.

If you have any other questions regarding our Tours, please complete this form:

Request for Additional Information:

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Your Comments/Question:

For more information, contact us at;
Sea Watch Tours
P.O. Box 505, Seal Cove
Grand Manan, NB, Canada
E5G 4M5
Tel: 506-662-8552 * Fax: 506-662-1081
Toll-free: 1-877-662-8552
or E-mail us:

Crew of "Sea Watcher" | Customers | Find us | General Info. | Goals | Grand Manan | History | Photo Gallery
Puffins/Machias Seal Island | Rates | Whale/Seabird watching Tours | Whale Watching "Code of Ethics"

This page designed by - Miramichi NB Canada - 506-773-7963

Revised Dec 1 1999