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Critical economic analysis

Aplying economic tools to understand the driving forces - and the reasons for success and failure - behind institutions and governance. Why macro-economic policy has failed so grievously.
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Bible study blog

Isn't it time we listened to what God has to say rather than our own ideas? The precepts in the Bbile have stood the test of millenia. The latest 'wisdoms' will be forgotten in a few years, reviled in a few decades.

Check out the Bible Jolts web site to stir the brain cells.

A twice weekly blog unwraps Scripture from a Hebrew perspective, seeking out "the apples of gold in settings of silver". The aim is to discover unexpected and challenging insights from the Bible. Careful Bible study identifies and links relevant verses.

The focus is on the light the Bible sheds on deep and contemporary issues. Debates on theology is minimised.



Also new book, Creation's Heartbeat:    extract 1    |    extract 2

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