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Spun By Stefan Logo

Stefan's review of:

Bavariafest 2001

I don't know who came up with the idea of bringing the beers of Germany on a tour around the United Stated, but I'd like to personally say, THANK YOU!!

Octoberfest came early this year as Hofbräuhaus brought their tour of Bavairian Beer and Bratwurst to Atlanta (In April!!). They set up a tent and a band and invited everyone to sample the beer, food, and culture of the Bavairian region in Germany. It was great! I can never properly describe the fun we all had, but look at the pictures and you can maybe get an idea.

I swear, these pictures were taken in Atlanta, Georgia in April!

160 gbm
145 150
wally 152
173 Frau
174 147
band 175
169 151
153 168
165 176
164 Happy Birthday Ace
Ashlie liked the music 170

Even the staff had fun


Could someone explain the chicken thing?

All pictures are the property of Stefan and are not to be posted on other websites or published in any medium without express written permission.

© 2001 Stefan Oestreicher
Apr. 22, 2001

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