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Welcome to Stefan's corner of the Web

Let me introduce myself

I'm a Mechanical Engineer in Atlanta, Georgia and happily building the best airplanes in the world. My hobbies include photography, making web pages and travel. I have a great camera, spun web pages for twenty years, and explored just over 20 foreign countries.

When the internet went public in 1992 I thought I could make a career spinning web sites, but that didn't pan out. I've done websites for musicians and artists but eventually they decided to do it them themselves, or hired professionals to maintain them, or just broke up.

Recently I've been doing photography: Mostly the fun people and events around Atlanta. My pictures have appeared on music CDs, several professional websites and hundreds of personal/social media pages. I do it for fun and to meet people.

Here's few of my webpages (I have over 100)

Current News - This is the coolest and most current page. You should go here first!
My Favourite Things - Maybe it will surprise you
My Desert Storm Diary - My experiences in the Sandbox
Anne McCaffrey fansite - Author of the Dragon Riders of Pern series.
BavariaFest 2001 - Beer, Brats, and Bavarian culture
DragonCon 1999 - Bigger and better second visit
DragonCon 1998 - My first Sci-Fi convention in Atlanta.

Here's the Site Map and Index

All material on these websites are the copyright of Stefan Oestreicher. All rights reserved. No reproduction or publication is permitted in any form without prior express written permission.

Updated 1 Feb, 2011
© 2011 Stefan Oestreicher