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                                                        Faith goes beyond this reality.
                                                        Earthly eyes cannot see,
                                                        Earthly ears cannot hear,
                                                        Earthly hands cannot touch.

                                                        Faith takes opening a door and
                                                        Taking a step into the unseen
                                                        With an open heart -
                                                        Searching for God.

                                                        Then, Spiritual eyes see,
                                                        Spiritual ears hear,
                                                        Spiritual hands feel
                                                        His presence.

                                                        Faith is Trusting
                                                        With a spiritual mind
                                                        That the Lord will do what He has said He would do
                                                         Earthly minds cannot comprehend God's workings.

                                                        Wait upon the Lord
                                                        For He is working.
                                                        Look upon the path He has brought you.
                                                        He was there as He is here.

                                                                            --Judy Campbell

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