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Sara Discovers

I spend 99% of my life entrenched in the little things of life...letting the big picture of this amazing journey that God has allowed each of us to just pass me by with very little thought or wonder.  Today, I actually allowed myself to revel in that other 1%.  And boy, did I revel.

I watched my daughter play in our backyard.  Now, she's been in our backyard before.  And I have been there with her before, supervising.  But today, I watched her.  I observed her toddle along and take on our yard as if it were a jungle.  Everything is so new to an 18-month-old.  I watched her discover the awesome abilities of a dandelion that she could impart with one little breath.  I watched her uncover the treasure of a 5-year-old Butterfinger wrapper under a bush - and then delighted in her bringing it to me like it was a gift she herself made.  I watched her walk up to a rather large bumblebee and say "Hi" to it and then walk away casually, completely unaware of the potential danger.  And I watched her get dirty.  I mean, really dirty.  I mean, dirt-under-the-fingernails-that-I-just-painted dirty.

And I watched her learn about this beautiful earth that God has created for us.  And I am so glad I slowed up today.  I am so glad I took the time to watch my Sara discover God.  Even if she doesn't know that she did.
                                                                                                       --Elizabeth Corcoran

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