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Together, together, we make the world new. Welcome to the 21st century.

A panel of experts have studied a list of possible 21st century developments. Personality control of drugs. The current fascination of a new intellectual breed.
The futurists.

Welcome to the age of corruption. Where everything's for sale, there's nothing you can't buy.
Welcome to the 21st. century. The damage has been done, It's too late to cry.

There's no time for respect in this scary land
Where crime and justice go hand in hand
There's no time for compassion for your fellow-man
It's the law of the jungle in the kingdom of the damned
you get used and abused but you're too blind too see
that your own fuckin' country is your enemy
the atomic warhead in your own backyard
is ready to explote, to blow your head apart.

Welcome to the age...........

You're to scared to react against this devils pact.
Yes don't be such a pussy, get up and attack
'cause the time is right to stand up and fight
the power to the people, here we come, step aside
Never underestimate a man with nothing to lose
With a knife in the chest and destroyed by the news
that his child is molested and his wife is raped
by a fuckin' junk with a messed up brain

A panel of experts have studied a list of 21st century developments. The futurists.

Welcome to the age...........