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Stop killing people for money. Care.
Stop killing people for money. Killing people for money.
Realize what you're doing. Care. Realize what you're doing.

On our dog tags, the little identification tags that we wear, there's four pieces of information that are required.
One is your name. The other's your serial number. The third is your bloodtype and the forth is your religion.

Warchild, tell me where have you been.
Warchild, look at the state you're in.
Warchild, a million miles from home.
Warchild, on your own in the combatzone.

Stop killing people for money. What's going on in your mind.
You're gonna break under the pressure. The bloody war is gonna make you blind.
Terror motivates the anger. Your heart's gonna turn to stone.
Breaks down all fibres of resistance. You're gonna die in the fighting zone.

It may be right, it may be wrong.
The wisdom's weak. The fool is strong.

Warchild, tell me how do you feel.
Warchild, everything looks so unreal.
Warchild, on the grave of your lost friend.
Warchild, you gonna fight until the end.

You are fighting for your country. Don't give a fuck about your life.
Just don't care about tomorrow. About the ones you leave behind.
You're gonna fight a losing battle. Your conviction's down the drain
Cause even in the flush of victory. You're gonna be showered with pain.

On our dog tags, the little identification tags that we wear, there's four pieces of information that are required.
One is your name. The other's your serial number. The third is your bloodtype and the forth is your religion.

It may be right, It may be wrong.
The wisdom's weak. The fool is strong.