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Rough Riders

The mounted figure was not used for the Warriors of the World series. Photo courtesy Mark Hegeman.

Picture with card courtesy Francis Turner.

Marx made three Warriors of the World poses of Spanish American War Rough Riders given seven names (3 marching with rifle, 2 running with rifle and 2 with hand on sword hilt). The man with sword in the above picture has been collector pained a darker uniform color.

7.00 SGT left hand on sword hilt - Ted Carter or John Freeman. (1 nicely repainted with darker uniform).

7.00 Marching with rifle - Roger Keegan, Lincoln Manley or Henry Ingraham. (1)

NONE - Running with rifle across waist - Grant Smith or Lew Homer.

Col. Roosevelt,white HP. NONE IN STOCK

Vintage originals made in brown;

10.00 Running with rifle. (NONE)

10.00 Officer standing with sword. (NONE)

10.00 Marching with rifle. (NONE)

15.00 Mounted with sword (Teddy Roosevelt). (NONE)

Reissue figures

These are reissues made about 1990 in a rich khaki tan.

4.00 Running with rifle. (NONE)

4.00 Officer standing with sword. (NONE)

4.00 Marching with rifle. (NONE)

6.00 Mounted with sword (Teddy Roosevelt). (NONE)


WWI Military Figures and Items

Picture courtesy Francis Turner.

Marx made five poses of WWI American "doughboys" given seven names (two marching with rifle wearing overseas cap and two wearing campaign hats).

NONE - Carl Rollins, officer marching with sword at his side.()

NONE - Frederick Garth charging with rifle, wearing gas mask.

NONE - Mark Fletcher throwing grenade.

NONE - Marching with rifle wearing campaign hat - Harry Powell or Brad Taylor.

NONE - Marching with rifle wearing overseas cap - Jerry DeAngelo or Guy Wolfe.

- Recast 60mm WWI US GIs.

NONE RECAST doughboy marching in campaign hat.

NONE RECAST doughboy marching in cap and overcoat.

7.00 Jules Clemenceau clubbing with rifle. (NONE)

7.00 Leon Pichon marching with slung rifle. (3)

7.00 Theophile Poincare running with pistol. (1)

7.00 Alexandre Delcasse running with rifle. (NONE)

7.00 Maurice Valery standing shooting rifle. (1), (3.00 broken rifle, piece there to glue; 1)

7.00 Andre Tredier with binoculars, pointing. (2)

7.00 Chritian Gerard throwing grenade. (1)

NONE - Joseph Frantz bayoneting.

The WWI German soldiers were painted in darker and lighter gray.

8.00 Karl Borman with sword & pistol; (NONE).

7.00 Joseph Schnelling with binoculars. (NONE)

7.00 Heinrich Berstorff crouching with rifle. (NONE)

7.00 Hans Elhers running with bayoneted rifle. (NONE)

7.00 Friedrich Baden goosestep marching. (1 darker gray)

7.00 Erich Hoffmann throwing grenade. (1 lighter gray)

7.00 Anton Dunckern in gas mask running with rifle. (NONE)

7.00 Max Hertling kneeling with bayoneted rifle. (1 lighter gray)



Marx made several molds depicting American military officers from WWII and historical eras. They also made a limited number of foreign generals. In 1954 a six cavity mold, PL-637, was made for the upcoming military academy playset containing the five men from WWII who had become five star generals + four star Al Gruenther a personal friend of Louis Marx. The figures were made in white hard plastic. Later the mold was sent to Germany where painted versions were produced. These figures will have the GERMANY hallmark under their bases. Modern collectors have also painted some of the original white figures so if you are buying a "painted by Marx" example make sure it has the GERMANY hallmark.

Picture of the vintage German factory made generals courtesy "photo © 2019, Marx Toy Archive".

12.00 General Arnold; 3 white.

12.00 General Bradley; 1 white.

12.00 General Eisenhower; NONE.

12.00 General Gruenther; 1 white.

12.00 General McArthur; NONE.

12.00 General Marshall; 1 white.

Marx then made a twelve cavity mold (PL-648) of other generals and admirals who served during WWII. Like the above the were made in white hard plastic. General Patton was also made in cream hard plastic and white soft plastic. Marx did not sell painted versions of these figures.

Marx only made these in white hard plastic.

Collector painted figure picture missing; Halsey, LeMay & Patton.

12.00 General Clark; 1 white.

12.00 General Clay; 3 white.

12.00 General Doolittle; 1 white.

12.00 Admiral Halsey; 3 white.

12.00 General LeMay; 1 white.

12.00 General O'Donnel; 1 white.

12.00 General Patton; 1 white.

12.00 Admiral Radford; 2 white.

12.00 General Ridgeway; 1 white.

12.00 General Smith; 1 white.

12.00 General Snyder; 1 white.

12.00 General Spaatz; 1 white.

Reissues circa 2000 have been made from the above mold in green and tan semisoft plastic.

REISSUE Generals and admirals.

3.00 Gen. Clark; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Clay; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Doolittle; NONE.

3.00 Adm. Halsey; NONE.

3.00 Gen. LeMay; NONE.

3.00 Gen. O'Donnell; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Patton; NONE.

3.00 Adm. Radford; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Ridgeway; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Smith; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Snyder; NONE.

3.00 Gen. Spaatz; NONE.

Two more single cavity molds were made for WWII Marine General Vandegrift (PL-638) and Korean War General Shepherd (PL-691). General Vandegrift can be found in an American Hero boxed set with 60mm soft plastic soldiers. General Shepherd surfaced when the Marx warehouse sales were held in the early 1980s and apparently was never retailed. Vandegrift picture courtesy Joe Leonard. Shepherd picture courtesy David Schafer.

General Vandegrift; NONE.

General Shepherd; NONE.


Marx then made another twelve cavity mold (PL-649) of American officers from historic eras. As the others these were made in white hard plastic. Grant & Lee were also sold painted in window boxes with Warriors of the World figures, and in cream soft plastic in the American Heroes series of boxed sets with unpainted WOW Civil War soldiers.

SP = soft plasstic, other wise they are hard plastic

20.00 General Washington; 1 white.

25.00 Commodore Perry; NONE, (15.00 SPLIT IN SCABBARD 1 white).

20.00 General Jackson; 1 white.

20.00 General Taylor; NONE.

15.00 General Grant; 1 white, 1 cream SP.

15.00 General Lee; 1 white.

20.00 General Sheridan; NONE.

20.00 General Pickett; NONE.

25.00 Colonel Roosevelt; NONE.

20.00 Admiral Dewey NONE.

20.00 General Pershing; NONE.

20.00 General Stilwell; 1 white.

Reissues circa 1995 have been made in the UK from the above mold in dark blue.

NONE Comm. Perry. ()

NONE Gen. Jackson. ()

NONE Gen. Taylor.

NONE Gen. Pickett.

NONE Gen. Stilwell.

NONE Gen Pershing. ()

NONE Gen. Sheridan.

NONE Admiral Dewey. ()



Other American and foreign military officers were also made.

35.00 General Cornwallis; NONE.

20.00 General Taylor; NONE..

15.00 General Lee; NONE.

15.00 General Grant; (1).

20.00 General Custer; NONE.

30.00 General Montgomery; NONE.

35.00 General Rommel; NONE.

12.00 General Custer unpainted; 1 gray, 2 tans

- NONE - Napoleon, hard plastic unpainted.

5.00 REISSUE soft plastic Napoleon (Louie Marx was the model?); 2 silver, 2 tanbrown, 2 light blue.


Marx made Warriors of the World WWII US Navy & Marine sets. There were seven Navy figures painted in both darker (blue or gray) and white uniforms and four different Marine poses given seven different names (2 at parade rest & 3 marching with rifle) painted in Marine Green. The two Marines in the picture were collector painted wearing Marine dress blues.

Picture courtesy Francis Turner.


The seven US Navy WOW figures were painted in both white and "dark" uniform schemes and their boxes will indicate which paint scheme will be found inside. The sailor walking swinging arms in white uniform was painted as an African American.

NONE - David Ogden, officer with Binoculars. (1 white uniform).

NONE - Ken Bandoll with duffle bag.

NONE - Phillip Perry walking swing arms.

NONE - George Dempsey officer at attention.

NONE - Mel Park standing with slung carbine.

NONE - Jim Maxwell standing at attention.

NONE - Ken Lane marching with rifle.


NONE - At parade rest - Charlie Condon or George DeSantis.

NONE - Marching with rifle - Sam Schultz, Jim Talbott or Carl Gifford.

NONE - Ed Hodes at present arms.

NONE - Greg Campbell at attention.

NONE - Reissue Marines in dark blue soft plastic.

No box or card unless noted - paint schemes vary in this series

5.00 Jim Palozzo running with pistol. (1)

5.00 Charley Hamilton wearing gas mask. (3)

5.00 Flip Marbles running with ammo. (2)

5.00 Dan Warner crouching with tommygun. (1)

5.00 Harry Byrd prone shooting rifle. (1)

10.00 Joe Dixon standing shooting rifle, WITH BOX & CARD. (1)

5.00 Joe Dixon standing shooting rifle. (1)

5.00 Hank Meyers sitting shooting scoped rifle. (2)

NONE - Bill James advancing with bayoneted rifle, WITH BOX & CARD. ()

Picture courtesy Francis Turner.

Unique that these figures are 45mm in scale while all other Warriors of the World figures are 60mm in scale. Only two poses were in this group, with each pose getting four names.

NONE - Roy Constantine, dress uniform.

NONE - Dick Glover, dress uniform.

NONE - Frank Golducci, dress uniform.

NONE - Chester Wordell, dress uniform NONE - Clem Bronson, field uniform.

NONE - Bob Chilton, field uniform.

NONE - Jake Coley, field uniform.

NONE - Cliff Adamson, field uniform.

No box or card unless noted

NONE - Edward Bartholomew running with pistol.

NONE - Robert Skinner standing shooting rifle.

NONE - Thomas Livingston throwing grenade.

NONE Victor Robertson marching with rifle, wearing helmet.

NONE - Charles Brown with ammo on shoulder.

NONE - Richard Cronin with tommygun at waist.

6.00 David Young walking with slung rifle, wearing cap.(1)

NONE Eugene Black running with rifle.

NONE - - RECAST Two 60mm WWII British (from WOW mold).

No box or card unless noted

6.00 Fritz Kuhn waving.(NONE)

6.00 Walter Praum at attention.(NONE)

NONE - Albert Galland advancing with bayoneted rifle.

NONE - Martin Ferbach standing shooting rifle.

6.00 Otto Schroeder running with MG & ammo.(NONE)

6.00 Rudolf Ulbricht giving arm salute.(NONE)

6.00 Walter Hess throwing grenade.(NONE)

6.00 Ludwig Speer walking with rifle pointed down.(NONE)



Picture courtesy Francis Turner.

Marx made all nine Korean War UN soldiers as Warriors of the World.

NONE - Tom Gabriel, Canadian soldier marching with rifle.

NONE - Harry Oliver, British soldier marching with rifle.

NONE - Joe Sherman, US Marine marching with rifle.

NONE - Wally Elson, US Navy marching with rifle.

NONE - Omar Kadim, Turkish soldier marching with rifle.

NONE - Lin Chang, Republic of Korea marching with rifle.

NONE - Jacques Du Bois, French soldier marching with rifle.

NONE - Win Flanagan, US Air Force pilot walking.

NONE - Doug Mckenzie, Scottish soldier marching with rifle.

The painted versions could also be found in a window box set that also includes Douglas MacArthur.

2.00 EACH RECAST 60mm Korean War soldiers of the world, redbrown

US Air Force. (NONE)

US Army (NONE)

US Marines (1)



Republic of Korea. (NONE)


Canada. (NONE)

Great Britain. (NONE)



Marx 60mm Military Cadets

Marx reused five of their 54mm cadet master sculpts and made a mold making eight 60mm cadets. Four in uniform marching with rifle and one each of the other four poses.

Made in unpainted soft plastc they were sold as bin toys.

8.00 Cadet flag bearer; 1 bluegray, (5.00 NO PLUME; 1 white.

5.00 Cadet at attention with rifle; 2 white.

5.00 Cadet marching with sword; 1 white 1 darker gray, 1 putty gray, 1 blue gray.

5.00 Cadet marching with rifle; 5 white, 1 bluegray, (2.00 MISMOLDED LEANING FORWARD; 1 putty gray).

5.00 Cadet in overcoat marching with rifle; 3 white, 1 putty gray, 3 bluegray.

The Warriors of the World series only used six of the eight figures in the mold leaving out the cadet marching in over coat and the cadet standing at attention. Those two figures have been found painted and were probably made in Europe. The paint can be worn on these figures.

7.00 Walter Shea Flag bearer; NONE, (3.00 NO PLUME; 1).

10.00 Peter Mayes marching with sword, WITH BOX & CARD. (1)

9.00 Peter Mayes marching with sword, WITH WINDOW BOX & CARD. (1)

5.00 Peter Mayes marching with sword. (NONE)

10.00 James Henry marching with rifle, WITH BOX & CARD. (1)

10.00 Roger Case marching with rifle, WITH BOX & CARD. (1)

5.00 Marching with rifle - Henry Cowen, Bert Hawthorne, James Henry or Roger Case. (NONE)

- Made in Germany we think, not part of the WOW series. Photo courtesy Michael White.


Photo courtesy Serious Toyz.

The 54mm cadets were made in mold PL-611 in 1954. The mold made 20 figures in 11 poses. Six marching with rifle, four marching with rifle in overcoat, two marching with sword and one each of the other eight poses. Reissues out of Mexico have been put in 16 figure assortments.


6.00 Flag bearer; NONE.

2.00 Drummer; 2 gray.

2.00 Bugler; NONE.

2.00 With rifle at present arms; NONE.

2.00 Officer walking with folders; NONE.

2.00 At parade rest; NONE.

2.00 Saluting; 2 white.

2.00 At attention with rifle at side; NONE.

2.00 Marching with sword; NONE.

2.00 Marching with rifle in overcoat; 2 gray.

2.00 Marching with rifle; 1 gray.


22.00 Reissue lot 16 in all 11 poses, gray. (NONE)

3.00 Reissue flag bearer; 1 gray.

1.50 Reissue drummer; 1 gray.

1.50 Reissue bugler; 2 gray.

1.50 Reissue with rifle at present arms; NONE.

1.50 Reissue officer walking with folders; NONE.

1.50 Reissue at parade rest; 1 gray.

1.50 Reissue Saluting; 1 gray.

1.50 Reissue At attention with rifle at side; 2 gray.

1.50 Reissue Marching with sword; 2 gray

1.50 Reissue Marching with rifle in overcoat; NONE.

1.50 Reissue Marching with rifle; NONE.


NONE - Put To-Gether English Soldiers, Made in the 1950s the pictures shows some of the parts. Box is worn one corner split. Missing 1 head, 1 scabbard & 1 drum bottom. One drumstick broken and 1 body peg broken off. Enough pieces to make 7 of the 8 figures. Pieces are hard plastic and finished figures are about 54mm in scale.

Marx made a set of five 60mm British Lifeguards that can be found in cream, silver and metallic blue. The mold probably made four enlisted men marching with sword and one of each of the other poses. Vintage figures were made in; cream, waxy cream, silver, metallic blue and white. Reissues have been made in red.

5.00 Lifeguard with bugle; NONE.

4.00 Lifeguard marching w/ sword; 6 cream, 3 metallic blue, 3 silver, 1 white.

5.00 Lifeguard Officer with lanyard on left shoulder marching with sword; NONE.

8.00 Lifeguard with flag; NONE.

5.00 Lifeguard at attention with sword; 1 cream, 1 waxy cream, (2.00 SHORT SWORD;1 cream).


Three Inch GIs

4.00 Officer with pistol.(NONE)

4.00 With radio, holding carbine by barrel end.(NONE)

4.00 Holding rifle up. (NONE)

4.00 Marching with rifle. (NONE)

4.00 Rife at waist. (NONE).

4.00 Running with rifle across body. (NONE)

Factory painted. Picture courtesy Francis Turner.

Factory painted. Picture courtesy Francis Turner.

All six 3-4 inch (yes 4 not 6 inch) WWII Japanese, probably Mexican production, gray.

4-5 Inch seated GIs

3.00 Wearing helmet; NONE.

3.00 No helmet; NONE.

GOLDMARX Six Inch figures

Some of the poses were also used for the 54mm & 6 inch unpainted Russian toy soldiers. Picture courtesy Mark Hegeman.

The GOLDMARX WWII Japanese were made in 1963 and may not have been sold in the US. Pictures courtesy Mark Mcdermott & Mark Hegeman.

In 1964 Marx made a series of GOLDMARX six inch hard plastic painted figures including four WWII sets. Below are catalog pictures.



- NONE -



Two Figure 6 Inch GOLDMARX Sets

These figures were made in Hong Kong and evidently not sold in the US as they are very scarce.. Picture courtesy Mark Hegeman

1972 catalog picture.

In 1958 Marx made a set of six inch US Marines. In 1963 they added Germans, Japanese & Russian soldiers to the line up. Made of unpainted soft plastic.

These will show play wear.

Photo courtesy Doug Cusic.

4.00 German throwing grenade. (NONE), (1.00 LOTS OF CHEWS, ROUGH; 1)

4.00 German kneeling shooting rifle. (NONE).

4.00 German standing shooting rifle. (NONE) (2.00 SHORT RIFLE TIP; 1).

4.00 German running with MG & ammo. (NONE)

4.00 German with slung rifle, left arm up. (NONE)

4.00 German advancing with rifle at waist. (NONE)

20.00 German bayoneting. (NONE)

4.00 US Marine running with carbine.(NONE)

4.00 US Marine with rifle across waist. (NONE)

4.00 US Marine with tommygun, throwing grenade. (NONE)

4.00 US Marine butting with rifle. (6)

4.00 US Marine standing shooting rifle. (1), (2.00 SHORT OR CHEWED TIP; 2).

4.00 US Marine running with tommygun. (NONE)

Photo courtesy Doug Cusic.

4.00 Japanese running with sword and pistol. (NONE)

4.00 Japanese throwing grenade.(NONE)

5.00 Japanese standing shooting rifle.(1)

4.00 Japanese advancing with bayoneted rifle. (NONE)

4.00 Japanese running with sword. (NONE)

4.00 Japanese officer pointing, binoculars in other hand. (NONE)

Photo courtesy Doug Cusic.

8.00 Russian Officer with pistol & binoculars. (NONE)

8.00 Russian butting with rifle.

Only two sets of the painted cartoon generals with Louis Marx as the Chinese man Yau Fei are known to exist. Given to executives in the Marx organization the boxes are hand decorated. The figures were made in mold PL-1239. Unpainted versions were made for retail sale but are mot easy to find. Picture courtesy Christopher Wallentine.


Marx made quite a few miniature "HO" WWII themed sets. They were made in Hong Kong ans figures were touted as painted by artists. The above set is MIB with te figures and vehicles still in sealed bags. Picture courtesy Christopher Wallentine.

Examples of Marx "HO" Accessories

The Marx "HO" figures are about 30mm and do not blend well with 1/72 figures. Some accessories are closer to 1/72 and the WWII Vehicles are close to true 1/87 HO scale.

2.00 Small raft, SP. (NONE)

3.00 Large HP raft. (NONE)

3.00 Landing craft. (NONE

1.00 Rain barrel. (NONE)

1.00 Mortar shell crate. (NONE) 2.00 Spike log barricade. (NONE)

3.00 Halftrack. (NONE)

3.00 Tank. (NONE)

3.00 Truck. (NONE)

7.00 German scout car. (NONE)

1.00 Barbwire, brown, SP. (NONE)

2.50 "U" Shaped bunker, gray, HP. (NONE)

2.00 Telephone pole. (NONE)

2.00 "Loose" plank wooden wall, HP. (NONE)

Figures are usually found in groups with some or many damaged. The US & German lots below are a75% intact but the British have suffered more "wounds".

Japanese Infantry.


SOLD - Germans

SOLD - British lot

SOLD - US Army lot A



Figures used in S.A.C. Sets

They range in size from 30-35mm and many are downsized versions of 45 and 54mm figures.


NONE - Tank, blue with black wheels.

3.00 Searchlight truck, blue with black wheels.

3.00 Armored car; 1 silver with black wheels, 1 blue with black wheels.

3.00 Covered truck, blue with black wheels.