by Jack M. Russell

Revealing the symbols in the book of Revelation


The bride of the Lamb

ISBN 0-9664102-0-3

Copyright (C) 1996 by Jack M. Russell

All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, and may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request @ Email: Jack Russell.

Scripture quotations unless otherwise noted are from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE (R), (C) Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977 "Used by permission."

It is important to know that the book of Revelation has much symbolism in it and most is used to identify someone or something. Please note that numbers are a language of their own and need to be addressed in that way, to get the correct interpretation. Some numbers do reflect a quantity and some can reflect both identification and a quantity.

"Symbols Unveiled" is laid out so as to make it readable for both the causal reader and those who want a deeper understanding. For the student who wants an in depth study, he is advised to consult the glossary of terms found in the back. The book of Revelation is a book to be understood! God's word is to His church and the church needs to understand what God has planned. I asked the Holy Spirit to give me understanding in the book of Revelation so that the enemy would not be able to deceive me. Over the last ten years, the Lord has given understanding and permission to share this insight with the church. Please understand that the book of Revelation is like the rest of scripture and has many facets to it. Therefore my hope for us all is that we will better see and understand the mind of God as we seek Him, and as He chooses to reveal His word to us.

Revelation is written like the book of Daniel. It delivers an overview of God's plan and then in later chapters, explains such in greater detail. It is also written to the spiritual man and not the natural, for it is spiritually appraised as is all of the word of God. May you find many blessings in "Symbols Unveiled". His desire for all of the saints is that they would not be ignorant so as to give the enemy an opportunity.


The chapters of this manuscript align with the chapters in the book of Revelation. Chapter one in the book of Revelation is chapter one in this book and so on. The body of this work is laid out in four parts: 1) The scripture is given. 2) The verse translation of the word meanings from the Greek. 3) The author's explanation. 4) A list of terms used in that set of verses.

It is important to know that the book of Revelation has much symbolism in it and it was used to identify someone or something. Please note that Numbers are a language of their own. They need to be addressed in that manner to get the correct interpretation. Some numbers do reflect a quantity and some can reflect both identification and a quantity.

"Symbols Unveiled" is laid out to make it readable for both the causal reader and those who want a deeper understanding. For the student who wants an in-depth study, he is advised to consult the glossary of terms found in the back of this book.

The book of Revelation is a book to be understood. God's word is to His church and the church needs to understand His plan. I asked the Holy Spirit to give to me the understanding of the book of Revelation, so that the enemy would not be able to deceive me. Over the last ten years, the Lord has given this understanding and permission to share all insight with the church. Please understand that the book of Revelation is like the rest of scripture and has many facets to it. The hope for us all is that we will better see and understand the mind of God as we seek Him, and as He chooses to reveal His word to us.

Revelation is written like the book of Daniel. It delivers an overview of God's plan and then in later chapters, explains such in detail. It is also written to the spiritual man and not the natural, for it is spiritually appraised, as is all the word of God. May you find many blessings in "Symbols Unveiled"? His desire for all of the saints is that they would not be ignorant as to give the enemy an opportunity.

I want to thank my wife and my friend and encourager D. Clyde Morgan.


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